How to get rid of unwanted hair? Varieties of hair removal and depilation, the advantages of different methods of hair removal


Even before our era, the fairer sex removed hair from the body.

The procedure was carried out for hygienic reasons and prevented the accumulation of parasites.

Today, smooth and silky skin is the dream of every woman and a tribute to modern fashion.

There are many ways to get rid of unwanted hair, allowing you to remove them briefly or for a long period.

Unwanted hair: where and with whom?

“Vegetation” on the body rarely gives men discomfort - rather, it is a matter of pride and a sign of brutality. Stereotypes are not so favorable to women, and the established standards of beauty require perfectly smooth skin from them. Particular attention is paid to areas such as:

• legs;

• armpits;

• bikini area;

• arms.

Often, increased testosterone production and hereditary factors make it necessary to remove hair above the upper lip, around the nipples or on the stomach.

The dense “vegetation” on the woman’s body does not pose a health hazard, but can cause serious psychological disorders. The idea that true beauties' hair should grow exclusively on the head is to blame. Fortunately, women of fashion today are presented with a huge selection of methods for removing the "deficiency" on the body.

How to get rid of unwanted hair: razor, cream or epilator?

Two methods of hair removal are distinguished, depending on the principle of the procedure and its result - hair removal and depilation. The first method is pulling hair with a root, which allows you to forget about the problem for 2-4 weeks. The depilation process only leads to the removal of the visible part of the hair, so the effect is achieved for 1-3 days. Consider the most popular methods of how to get rid of unwanted hair at home.


A favorite tool for removing hair among men is often used by the fair sex. Shaving is in demand due to the following properties:

• instantly removes hair;

• does not require prior preparation;

• the machine does not take up much space;

• the procedure can be done almost anywhere and at a convenient time.

This method of removing "vegetation" can cause irritation, therefore, is not suitable for sensitive skin. Long-term use of the razor leads to increased hair growth, which becomes stiff, darkens and breaks through the skin in the form of unattractive bristles.

How to shave?

1. To wet skin, apply soap or special foam.

2. Run the machine in the direction of hair growth, rinse the razor.

3. Repeat the action until the desired result is achieved.

4. Wash skin with water and dry.

After the procedure, a softening or nourishing agent (aftershave, cream, cosmetic oil) should be applied to the body.

Depilatory cream

Effective and easy to use hair remover. The cream is suitable for the most sensitive skin and is used even for depilation on the face and in the bikini area. The chemicals in the product contribute to the destruction of the external hair shaft, dissolving its base. Due to this, after exposure to the product, hair is easily removed.

How to use cream?

1. Clean the treated skin area, dry.

2. Apply a thin layer of cream, leave for the time specified in the instructions for the tool (from 3 to 15 minutes).

3. Remove hair with a special spatula in the opposite direction to hair growth.

4. Wash off the remnants of the depilator.

With prolonged use of the product, the hair becomes thinner and lighter, and the intensity of their growth gradually decreases. The cream also has disadvantages - its composition often provokes allergies, and use in intimate areas contributes to darkening of the skin.

Depilatory cream is an excellent alternative to shaving, which allows you to quickly and painlessly remove hair. Improper use of the composition can lead to skin burns, so it is necessary to follow the recommendations specified in the instructions for a specific tool.


One of the most painful ways to get rid of the "vegetation" on the body. The principle of action is to pull the hair along with the root. This procedure is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity, skin diseases and injuries, varicose veins (blood vessels that feed the hairs can be injured during epilation).

As a result of prolonged use of the device, there is a slowdown in hair growth and a decrease in their number. This is explained by the fact that when a follicle is torn out, it is often injured, as a result of which its restoration is impossible. Women using the epilator for several years have noted that over time, the number of procedures decreases from 1 time per week to 3-4 times a year.

The first mechanical hair removal is considered the most painful, but with each subsequent procedure the skin becomes less vulnerable and after a few months the device does not cause discomfort. There are several ways to prevent discomfort.

  • A day before epilation, treat the body with a scrub.

  • Use anesthetics for external use (e.g., lidocaine).

  • Before the procedure, steam the body in hot water.

  • Stretch the treated area of ​​the skin during hair removal to speed up the process.

  • Do not neglect the special nozzles that come with the device.

Mechanical hair removal is a reliable way to remove unnecessary “vegetation”. The procedure usually takes a lot of time, and upon its completion, irritated skin needs rest (from 1 to 3 days), so you should plan this type of hair removal in advance.

How to get rid of unwanted hair: wax or shugaring?

The oldest methods of hair removal are popular among women so far. Waxing hair removal (waxing) is performed on all parts of the body and is suitable for those who have a low sensitivity threshold. During the procedure, the skin is applied heated wax, a special paper or fabric strip is superimposed on top, which is removed with a sharp movement along with the hairs.

To achieve the best effect, preliminary preparation is required. The day before hair removal, the body is treated with a scrub, and immediately before the procedure, a tonic with fruit acids is applied to the skin. Such measures help to avoid ingrown hair. It is possible to achieve perfectly smooth skin only with 4-5 mm hairs, the wax does not have a short length.

Shugaring - hair removal procedure using sugar paste. This kind of hair removal is just as painful as waxing. After several sessions, the hair becomes thinner, and the process delivers less and less discomfort. Before shugaring, the same preparation is needed as for waxing. Ways to use the products are also similar.

So how to get rid of unwanted hair, which way to choose? Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages. Sugar paste penetrates deeper than wax, so it allows you to remove shorter hairs. Shugaring is considered a more gentle procedure, as it removes hair in several approaches. At the same time, it takes a lot of time and requires more “passes” over the skin area than waxing.

Both procedures can be carried out at home, however, a hair removal session in especially delicate places (bikini area, face) is recommended to be performed by a specialist. Professionally made hair removal is less painful, takes less time, provides a long lasting result and eliminates the likelihood of ingrown hair after the procedure.

How to get rid of unwanted hair once and for all?

Today you can remove the "vegetation" irrevocably. A radical fight with hair is expensive, and the result depends more on the professionalism of a specialist. Therefore, the procedures are not so popular, and many women are still "tormented" in more accessible ways. The positive side of modern cosmetic methods is the ability to get rid of hair for a very long period.

Laser hair removal - virtually painless and effective procedure. A week after the session, the hair destroyed by the laser beam leaves the skin. To achieve a sustainable result, you need about 6 procedures that are carried out every month. Perfectly smooth skin is maintained by regular laser hair removal once a year.

Photoepilation - One of the youngest methods of removing "vegetation". During the procedure, an outbreak occurs, from which the follicle dies. After some time (from 1 to 20 days), the skin becomes smooth. For the destruction of all hair requires 3-4 sessions, however, after the first procedure, they become thin and almost invisible. The disadvantage of this method is that photoepilation is ineffective on light and gray hair.

Enzymatic hair removal - a process in which chemicals violate the structure of keratin and hair follicles die and subsequently overgrow. The method is considered the fastest, safest and most painless. It is carried out only by a specialist, not suitable for use on the face.

Over the course of many centuries, a beautiful half of humanity has accumulated experience, which allows today to choose for themselves the most suitable way to remove "vegetation" on the body. The question of how to get rid of unwanted hair should be decided on an individual basis, taking into account personal preferences and characteristics of the body.


Watch the video: Causes and Solutions for Facial Hair in Women (July 2024).