Bulgarian soup is something! Recipes of Bulgarian soups: with kefir, beans, kvass, chicken, lentils and feta cheese


Bulgarian soups are a real flavor firework.

They are prepared from a variety of products.

Therefore, everyone can find a dish for themselves and enjoy the taste.

Get to know Bulgarian soups?

Bulgarian soup - general principles of cooking

Bulgarian soups can be prepared both on meat broth and on water. There are many cold first courses based on kvass, dairy products, tomato juice and other drinks.

What soups are mainly made with:

• beans, lentils;

• tomatoes;

• bell pepper;

• carrots, onions;

• pasta;

• various roots.

Potatoes are also used in some dishes, but not as often as we do. Soups are cooked in the usual way or with dressings. Sometimes subjected to languishing in the oven. Spices and herbs are always added to dishes. Hot pepper is a common ingredient.

Recipe 1: Bulgarian soup "Tarator" with kefir

The recipe for the famous Bulgarian kefir soup. Something like our okroshka, but it cooks even faster and easier. Instead of kefir, you can similarly use yogurt or any other sour-milk product without additives. Number of products for two servings.


• 500 ml of kefir;

• salt and pepper;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• 2 fresh cucumbers;

• 100 ml of water;

• 5 walnuts;

• 1 bunch of dill;

• a couple of sprigs of parsley.


1. Wash the cucumbers, remove the tips and rub on a medium grater. You can just finely chop with a knife. We shift to the tureen.

2. Peel the garlic cloves, chop and send to the cucumbers.

3. Add chopped dill to them.

4. Next, chopped walnuts into pieces, which can be slightly dried in a hot skillet to improve taste and aroma.

5. Combine kefir with water, salt, pepper, mix thoroughly, you can whisk.

6. Pour to the vegetables and put the soup in plates. Garnish with parsley branches.

Recipe 2: Bulgarian Chorba Bean Soup with Beans and Bacon

The recipe for hot Bulgarian soup, for which you need white beans. But similarly, you can take any other kind. Soup with bacon, which, if desired, is often replaced with ribs, chicken, ham.


• 1 cup dry beans;

• 1 onion head;

• 1 tsp Paprika

• 1-2 pods of chili;

• 150 grams of bacon;

• 2 red bell peppers;

• 2 tomatoes;

• 1 carrot;

• 4 leaves of mint;

• salt and pepper;

• 1.5 liters of broth (water).


1. The day before in cold water you need to soak the beans. We do not regret liquids. Then we boil until almost ready, but make sure that the grains do not burst.

2. Cut the bacon into strips or cubes, send it to the pan and fry.

3. Add to it shredded carrots and chopped onion, fry together for three minutes.

4. Free the seeds of Bulgarian pepper from the chips, cut into cubes and send to the rest of the vegetables. You can immediately add chopped chili pods.

5. After another two minutes, put the mashed and peeled tomatoes. Stew for two more minutes.

6. Drain the bean broth and add the broth from the recipe.

7. We shift vegetables with bacon from the pan.

8. The dish needs to be salted, add paprika and bring to a boil. Then we remove the fire and cook for about a quarter of an hour with a very weak boil.

9. Bulgarian soup is seasoned with mint leaves, but you can add parsley, cilantro, dill, green onions.

Recipe 3: Bulgarian soup with chicken and lemon "Pileshka"

A variant of a very hearty Bulgarian soup with a homemade taste. It makes it unusual to add lemon and raw eggs. Vermicelli is used small - spider web. If you take pasta larger, then you need to throw them a little earlier.


• 400 grams of chicken;

• 300 grams of potatoes;

• 1 egg;

• 1 carrot;

• 70 grams of noodles;

• 1.5 tablespoons of lemon juice;

• onion head;

• spices;

• greenery;

• 1.5 liters of water;

• 2 tablespoons cream (kefir, yogurt).


1. Peel the onion, carrot and throw in the pan, lay the washed chicken and pour water. We put the broth to cook until ready. Then filter, throw the onion, and cut the chicken and carrot into slices.

2. We put the pan with the broth on the stove again, salt the future soup.

3. Peel the potatoes, cut them into cubes and cook until almost done. Add the previously removed chicken and then the carrots.

4. Beat the egg with a whisk with cream and lemon juice, put into the soup. Stir intensively.

5. Add vermicelli, greens, let it boil and immediately turn it off.

Recipe 4: Bulgarian soup with kvass and beef

Recipe for a rich soup with kvass. The present dish is a drink made on wheat bran. But increasingly it is being replaced with traditional kvass, which is not prohibited.


• 500 grams of beef;

• 2 potatoes;

• 300 ml of kvass;

• 20 pods of green beans;

• 1 carrot;

• 1-2 pieces of onions;

• 1 bunch of dill;

• salt and red pepper;

• 300 grams of white cabbage;

• 2 tomatoes;

• parsley root.


1. We wash the beef, fill it with water and cook the broth for about two hours. Time may take a little longer, depending on the type and youth of the meat.

2. Straws carrots, parsley root, you can add celery, cook in the broth for ten minutes.

3. Cut the onion into cubes and send to the pan.

4. Put the chopped potatoes, cook until half ready.

5. Add the bean pods. They need to be washed well and cut into four centimeter pieces.

6. After five minutes, salt the soup, add the slaw.

7. After another two minutes, we throw the chopped tomatoes and cook the soup until all vegetables are ready.

8. So that the pieces do not lose their shape, do not let the dish boil actively.

9. Separately boil kvass.

10. At the end, season with dill, red pepper, add boiled kvass and immediately turn it off. Serve soup with sour cream.

Recipe 5: Bulgarian lentil soup "Chorba Bream"

A variant of a vegetarian lentil soup, prepared with water or vegetable broth. But this first dish can be cooked with meat and mushrooms. Despite its simplicity, even on water it turns out to be very satisfying. A mandatory addition is savory. You can use fresh or dried.


• 2 carrots;

• 500 grams of lentils, better than green;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• 1 celery root;

• savory;

• 3 sweet peppers;

• 3 tomatoes;

• 1 onion head;

• 4 tablespoons of olive oil;

• parsley and salt.


1. Fill the lentils for two hours with cold water. Then we rinse well, fill it with new liquid and set to boil. After ten minutes, add the chopped celery root to it.

2. Cut the carrots into cubes the size of lentils. Also chop the onions. All together, fry with oil in a pan.

3. Cut the bell peppers in the same cubes and add to the fried vegetables, stew a little.

4. Dice the tomatoes, put them in the vegetables and cook for about another five minutes.

5. As soon as the lentils are almost cooked, transfer all the vegetables to the soup, cook together for another five minutes. Do not forget to salt, you can add hot pepper.

6. Put chopped garlic and savory, add chopped parsley and turn it off.

Recipe 6: Bulgarian Onion Soup with Brynza

The recipe for a very fragrant onion soup, which is prepared very quickly. We take any cheese. These ingredients are enough to prepare three servings of the dish.


• 4 onions;

• 1 liter of broth;

• 150 grams of feta cheese;

• 4 slices of white bread;

• salt;

• pepper;

• 50 grams of butter.


1. Peel the onions, cut into half rings and fry in a pan with the addition of 2/3 butter. We leave a slice for roasting bread.

2. In a saucepan, boil the broth, add onion, salt, pepper and cook soup for about ten minutes.

3. While preparing the onions, cut the bread into cubes and fry in the remaining butter. Before laying bread, you need to warm the butter well so that the crackers do not absorb it.

4. Put the fried bread in the plates, pour onion soup.

5. Add diced feta cheese and you're done! But some people prefer to hold a bowl in the oven before use so that the feta cheese is melted a little.

Recipe 7: Tomato Bulgarian Vermicelli Soup

To make this Bulgarian soup you will need fresh tomatoes. But you can ease the process and use tomato juice, it will be much faster. A raw egg is placed in the prepared soup. But if you are afraid to do this, then you can boil.


• 0.2 kg of tomatoes;

• 400 ml of water;

• 2 tablespoons of vermicelli;

• 1 egg;

• salt and pepper;

• 2-3 branches of parsley;

• 1 tablespoon of oil;

• 0.5 onions.


1. Pour a spoonful of oil into a saucepan and fry the chopped onion.

2. Add the diced tomatoes and warm them up a bit. Or just pour in thick tomato juice. If the juice is liquid, then you can simply not add water subsequently or reduce the amount.

3. Add boiling water and cook soup for about five minutes. Salt, pepper.

4. Put the vermicelli and cook until tender. If it is small, then just let the soup boil well and turn it off.

5. Beat the raw egg with a fork and put into the soup, stir.

6. Pour into plates and sprinkle with parsley.

Bulgarian soup - useful tips and tricks

• To make hot pepper evenly dispersed in the first dish, do not postpone its addition to the pan. The pod can be chopped and fried along with vegetables in a pan or simply thrown into a pan 15 minutes before the end of cooking.

• Garlic loses its aroma when boiled, and we get a completely different taste. Therefore, it is better to lay the crushed cloves in a plate, it is possible together with chopped greens.

• Tomatoes will be tastier and will give the dish a brighter color if they are spassed in a frying pan with oil. The same goes for tomato sauces and pasta.


Watch the video: Bulgarian Bean Soup (July 2024).