May 24: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on May 24th.


Holidays May 24

Personnel Day in Russia

Personnel Day is annually celebrated in the Russian Federation on May 24, starting in 2005. The initiative to create this holiday came from the All-Russian Personnel Congress. And the date for its establishment was not chosen by chance, it is due to the fact that it was on this day in 1835 that the decree "On the relationship between factory owners and employed personnel employed by them" was proclaimed. This decree was the first document that regulated the relationship between the employer and the wage worker in Russia. Therefore, the date of May 24 is considered to be the beginning of the establishment of relations between the above persons. Any company, even a small one by standard standards, has an employee who is responsible for working with personnel. In large firms, entire departments deal with such matters.

Day of Slavic Writing and Culture (Day of Saints Cyril and Methodius)

Celebrated annually by all Slavic countries glorifying the founders of the Slavic writing Methodius and Cyril. According to legend, the saints were equal apostles and both lived in the city of Soluni. Every year the church commemorates these saints. Equal-to-the-Apostles brothers created the Slavic alphabet within the walls of a Greek monastery. Most scholars are inclined to believe that Slavic writing was created in the ninth century, around the 860s. The new alphabet was called the "Cyrillic alphabet" in honor of St. Cyril, who from childhood showed incredible abilities. Over time, he perfectly understood the main teachings of that period, and also studied many languages ​​and founded (together with his brother Methodius) the Slavic alphabet. A little later, the brothers translated the Holy Scriptures (Gospel, Psalter and Apostle) into the Slavic language.

May 24th in the folk calendar

Wet Wet

On May 24, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of the great martyr Mokiy, whom the people dubbed Mokrym, because, firstly, due to the consonance with the name, and secondly, on the day of the saint, as the peasants noticed, it rained.

On this day, as well as May 23, it was undesirable to work on the earth with sharp objects, as the earth was resting and gaining strength. On this occasion, the people have developed a belief: if you work in the field on Mokia, the city will surely knock out all the plantings. There were also special signs on Mokiev day. For example, if it rained during the day, then it was considered medicinal. People stood under him in the hope of gaining good health, this procedure was especially good for problems with hair growth. The Great Martyr in Russia was also considered an indicator of further weather. If fog was established this morning, then summer was expected to be wet and rainy. But the crimson sunrise testified to a formidable summer with massive forest fires.

Historical events of May 24

May 24, 1844 - The first Morse telegraph message was sent from Washington to Baltimore

On this day, the first ceremonial sending of a telegram along the line (64 km long) between Washington and Baltimore took place. The creator of such a valuable invention for transmitting information over long distances was Samuel Morse. Until the mid-nineteenth century, the only way to send messages was by long shipping mail. People learned about events in other countries with great delay. So, the news from America to Europe reached about 2-3 weeks, and even months. Therefore, the creation of a telegraph has become the best means for transmitting messages in the shortest possible time. People regarded this invention as a kind of miracle.

Thus, this technical “curiosity”, having encircled the entire planet, has become one of the most important inventions in world history. In addition to bringing humanity to a new stage of technological progress, it also proved the importance of electric current in transmitting information. This discovery formed the basis for further research in the field of communications.

May 24, 1937 - Opening of the World Exhibition in Paris

In honor of a significant event on the banks of the Seine, near the Eiffel Tower, the Palais de Chaillot was specially erected. The world exhibition, which opened its gates on May 24, continued until the very end of autumn. Forty-seven states took part in it, most of which were European countries (Austria, the USSR, Hungary, Bulgaria, France, the Vatican, Sweden and many others).

May 24, 1956 - The first Eurovision Song Contest took place

On the date we are considering, the first Eurovision song contest was held in the Swiss town of Lugano, in which representatives of different countries of Europe took part (each country was represented only by one participant) - the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Italy, Germany and Switzerland. The winner of this competition was Switzerland, represented by the representative of Liz Assia, who performed the song "Refrain". The idea of ​​creating a large-scale entertainment and music program was submitted back in 1950 by the European Broadcasting Union (EMU). In 1955, the EMU directive supported the concept of the competition, and a few months later it was first held.

Soon his popularity has grown significantly, and the number of countries eager to take part in Eurovision has also increased rapidly. To date, the Eurovision pop song contest is one of the most anticipated events in Europe. It collects millions of viewers near TV screens, including from countries that are far outside of Europe and do not participate in the competition.

May 24 were born

William Hilbert (1544 - 1603 gg.) - English physicist and physician at the court of Queen Elizabeth the First. Hilbert first put forward the first theories of magnetism and electricity. It was he who discovered the bipolar magnets (north and south poles). The scientist also experimentally proved that the Earth itself is one huge magnet. A unit of magnetomotive force was named in honor of the physicist. Hilbert played a fundamental role in the development of the science of electricity.

Gabrielle Fahrenheit (1686 - 1736) - an outstanding German physicist. Most of his life he lived in Amsterdam, where he asserted himself as an outstanding master in the manufacture of various instruments and tools. In 1709 he invented an alcohol thermometer, and five years later he created a mercury thermometer. He was also offered a temperature scale, later named after him.

Victoria I (1819 - 1901) - Queen of England since 1837. Victoria was not beautiful, for many years she unsuccessfully struggled with overweight, although being a 16-year-old girl, she had a gorgeous figure. During her reign, Great Britain became a developed industrial power of the world. Victoria did her best to restore the prestige of the monarchy, and she succeeded.

Mikhail Sholokhov(1905 - 1984) - Russian writer, Lenpremia prize winner, Nobel laureate (1965), Hero of Socialist Labor (twice). In his novels, Sholokhov skillfully reflected the life of the Russian people in a difficult turning point for them. The Lenin Prize was awarded to the writer thanks to the novel "Virgin Soil Upturned", and the Nobel Prize for the creation of The Quiet Don.

Name Day May 24

Celebrate: David, Alexander, Joseph, Michael, Cyril, Rostislav, Sofron, Suzanne, Constantine.
