Which cars drive the most unfaithful husbands


An online dating portal for lovers of romance on the side conducted a survey to find out which car brands are preferred by men, most often cheating on their legal spouses. Previously, a similar study found that unfaithful husbands drive a BMW, but over the past year the situation has changed.

The survey involved 750 thousand active users of the site llicit Encounters. As a result of voting by an impressive margin won the owners of Audi cars. Mark got 22% of the vote. The leader of 2012, BMW moved into second place with 13.8% of the vote.

Mercedes was on the third line of the rating (8.7%), Volvo on the fourth - (7.6%), Volkswagen took the fifth place (5.7%). The most faithful spouses were men who drive Hyundai, Skoda and Rover. The best husbands were the owners of the French Renault cars (0.5%) and Peugeot (0.4%).

According to Mike Taylor, an employee of llicit Encounters, cars can tell a lot about their owners. “The cars leading in our ranking represent the men surveyed. As a rule, these are successful and motivated people, extremely rarely agreeing to something that they do not like. This applies to both relationships and cars. ”

Recall that in 2012, representatives of the portal llicit Encounters also noted the relationship between success and the number of betrayals, emphasizing that the first place in the vote goes to premium cars. Then on the first line was BMW, on the second - Audi, on the third - Mercedes.

“Deception and success always go hand in hand. The point is not even the brand of the car, but the degree of success of a man who decides to cheat on his wife. Successful people usually like to take risks, they set themselves a certain goal and stubbornly go towards it, ignoring obstacles. In addition, such people strongly disagree with boring and monotonous relationships, ”added Mike Taylor, noting that the popularity of Audi cars among the most successful users of the portal does not surprise him.


Vladimir 09/04/2016
“Do they set a certain goal”?


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