Loosestrife - medicinal properties and application in medicine


Derbennik - general description

Loosestrife - a herbaceous perennial with a straight stem (up to 80 cm) and a thick ligneous root. It has sessile pointed leaves and raspberry small flowers, collected in whorls at the top of the stem. On the back of the leaves are stomata to remove excess moisture from the plant. Sometimes, it seems that the plant is crying. Therefore, the loosestrife is also called placan grass, God's grass, coastal grass, grandfather grass, pine reed and placan root. It blooms from mid-July to early autumn.

Derbennik - types and places of growth

Distributed in Russia (Far East, East and West Siberia), Ukraine, Central Asia, Belarus and the Caucasus. It prefers to grow in sedge marshes, water meadows, rice fields, in the coastal strip, sometimes in the sand by the sea (in groups or singly). In Russia, there are about 15 species of this plant. The most common is loosestrife loosestrife.

Loosestrife - healing properties

Preparations from the loosestrife are characterized by wound healing, analgesic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, astringent and diuretic properties.

Traditional medicine uses it for dysentery, diarrhea, fever, chronic catarrh of the stomach, intestines, colic, gastralgia, colds, gastroptosis, general weakness, headache, toxicosis of pregnant women, sexually transmitted diseases and as an antidote after snake bites, encephalitis ticks or rabid animals. Marshmallow is also used in homeopathy. Tea made from it is good for depression, hysteria, or a bad mood. The broth is added to the baths for nervous diseases, childhood cramps or various external bleeding. Fresh leaves treat wounds and cuts.

Loosestrife - dosage forms

For medicinal purposes, use flowers, leaves, stems and rhizomes. After full blooming of flowers (June - July) blooming tops are harvested. They are tied in rare bundles, suspended in a sufficiently ventilated room with the stems up. After complete drying, the flowers should be properly chopped and used as intended. Also widely used in folk medicine is fresh grass of loosestrife.

Infusions, tinctures are prepared both from the tops of a flowering plant, and from its roots.

Loosestrife - recipes

The wound will heal painlessly and quickly if a gruel from a crushed fresh plant is applied to it.

To prepare the extract of sweetberry you need 5 grams. dry grass pour 1 stack. water (100 ° C), let it brew well for 4 hours and strain. Admission: a third of a glass 3 times a day until the condition improves.

Tartberry tincture: any crushed dry part of the plant is poured with alcohol (vodka) 1:10 and infused for 14 days in a darkened cool place. Reception: 20-40 drops are diluted with 50 ml of water, consumed before meals (for 30 minutes) 3 times / day.

Infusion of flowers of lilac: Art. 1 tablespoon of raw materials. boiled water at room temperature, put on fire and cook for five minutes, insist for an hour, and then strain, squeezing the mass well. Reception: Art. spoon 3 times / day before meals.

Decoction of the roots of loosestrife: tea. a spoonful of raw materials is poured into a glass of water (boiled and chilled), boiled for 5 minutes, infused for an hour and filtered. Reception: in the fourth part of the glass before eating 3 times / day.

Loosestrife - contraindications

The use of sweetberry is contraindicated in cases of thrombosis, high blood coagulation and gastrointestinal diseases with constipation of atonic or senile nature. Hypertensive patients should also be carefully taken, since the use of this herb leads to vasoconstriction.


Alena 04/20/2016
Plakun-grass - I understood why this plant has such a name, but God's grass, I understand now, when I read what it can heal. Indeed, it’s like a gift of God !! Such a grass from all diseases! And, there are practically no contraindications.

Ioannina 04/20/2016
Both the stomach and intestines, and the common cold, this plant definitely heals. I, in due time, was advised to him from a depression. I started taking it, and at the same time I was able to cure my diseased organs! Of course, I did not expect, and did not understand at first, I was only surprised why I didn’t have any pain.

Lola 04/20/2016
ABOUT! Wow!!! It’s rare to find a medicine or herb that can be used during pregnancy, but it’s very nice to get rid of toxicosis. Yes, and helps with depression, and from tantrums ... In general, right for pregnant weed !!!

Catherine 04/20/2016
Wow!!! How many different, so interesting names have this plant !!! And by the way - here it is what kind of plucker grass !!! I heard about her a hundred times, and in my childhood, there were some tales connected with her, but I had no idea how she looked !!! Thank!!!


Watch the video: Wild Plant Identification with Susun Weed (June 2024).