Fern - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Fern - general description

Fern male (Latin: Dryopteris filix-mas), otherwise called a thyroid, is a very well-known plant among the people. In ancient times, people believed that fern on the night of Ivan Kupala gives an amazing flower, which was attributed to various miraculous properties. In fact, the fern is not able to bloom in principle, as it is propagated by spores.

Fern is a perennial herbaceous plant with a height of 30 to 100 cm. It has a thick brown rhizome with numerous accessory roots in the form of threads. Leaves are numerous, scaly, cirrus. In autumn, sporangia develop on them, from which spores later pour out.

Fern - types and places of growth

Male fern is one of the plants that are extremely common throughout the world. It is found in northern countries such as Norway and Finland, and also feels good in the hot climate of Mexico or Central Asia. And even in the Arctic regions in summer you can find this plant. In Russia, fern is found throughout the territory, from the Kola Peninsula to the south of Siberia. It usually grows in forests, preferring beech, spruce, fir and mixed forests.

Fern - medicinal properties

The main field of application of preparations based on fern is the fight against intestinal parasites. The healing properties of ferns are directly dependent on its chemical composition. It contains flavaspidic and fern acids, derivatives of florolucin (albaspidine and aspidinol), derivatives of ficilinic acid (flicin and aspadinol).

These substances are strong poisons, causing paralysis of the muscles of the tapeworms (bovine, pork, dwarf tapeworm, etc.). Traditional healers use an aqueous infusion of male fern rhizomes to treat rheumatism, seizures, ulcers and purulent wounds. The infusion is used in these cases only externally!
Fern - dosage forms

For the manufacture of medicines, rhizomes of fern are used. Their collection is carried out in September-October, cleaned from the ground and remove small roots and scaly leaves. Drying is done in ovens or dry rooms with good ventilation. Fern roots are stored in a tightly closed container. Shelf life does not exceed one year. Rhizomes, which are brown inside, cannot be used for the manufacture of medicines.

Fern - recipes

A decoction of fern rhizomes is prepared from 10 g of dried crushed raw materials and 200 ml of boiling water. The broth is boiled until its volume is reduced by half, then take 1 teaspoon with honey. It can also be mixed with flour, divided into 10 parts and taken orally. The appointment schedule is prescribed by the doctor. You cannot take such medications yourself!

It should be noted that after taking the drug based on fern to combat intestinal parasites, the patient should take a saline laxative and put several cleansing enemas. Another type of laxative cannot be used, so as not to provoke the absorption of the drug into the blood.

For external use (baths and wipes), a male fern infusion is used. For 2-3 liters of water take 50 g of dry rhizome or 100 g of fresh, boil for 2-3 hours and then add to a cool bath (water temperature from 27 to 32 degrees).

Fern - contraindications

It should be noted that fern extract is a strong poison, therefore, any funds based on it should be taken only as directed and under the supervision of medical personnel. Fern-based preparations are contraindicated for people suffering from diseases of the liver and kidneys, with stomach and duodenal ulcers, fever, anemia, and tuberculosis.

It is strictly forbidden to use fern during pregnancy. If you accidentally take or overdose, you should rinse your stomach, take a salt laxative and immediately seek medical help.


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