How to cook buckwheat in a slow cooker? To the culinary treasury of the housewives: a selection of secrets of cooking buckwheat in a slow cooker


Buckwheat is a product that both adults and children are very fond of.

It has many useful vitamins, and buckwheat is just yummy. Buckwheat porridge is cooked simply and quickly. It can be eaten with milk and sugar, or it can be with meat.

So, buckwheat is also a universal product. Buckwheat can be used with a side dish and as an independent dish.

It is perfect for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Buckwheat lovers especially prefer to diet. Indeed, in buckwheat porridge there are very few calories, but, despite this, it perfectly saturates our body.

General principles for cooking buckwheat in a slow cooker

Buckwheat should always be rinsed well before cooking. In packages, there is often buckwheat dust and garbage that will not decorate your dish.

If you are preparing buckwheat porridge without meat, it is best to put a piece of butter in it, then the porridge will become boiled and tastier.

If your slow cooker does not have Buckwheat porridge, use the Pilaf function.

Buckwheat goes well with vegetables and meat. Therefore, cutlets, goulash, vegetable or meat stew are perfect for it.

It is best to eat buckwheat hot and not leave it for tomorrow.

Ready buckwheat should have a boiled-down appearance, the main thing is not to overexpose and do not contain it in a slow cooker.

Remember that you should not over-fill the buckwheat with water, be sure to use a measuring cup.

Buckwheat can be used in pies and salads, having previously cooked it in a slow cooker.

If you cook buckwheat with vegetables, it is better to fry carrots and onions in advance.

Buckwheat absorbs salt well, so try not to salt it.

Buckwheat in a slow cooker cooks very quickly, be sure to follow the timer.

How to cook buckwheat in a slow cooker: minced and buckwheat royal

This recipe is good because it cooks very quickly, and the taste does not suffer from it. In its structure, it is a bit like pilaf, the composition of the ingredients is almost the same, only buckwheat is used instead of rice, and minced meat is used instead of whole pieces of meat.


• a glass of buckwheat

• half kg of minced meat

• a couple glasses of water

• salt

• spices

• pepper

• vegetable oil

• one onion

• one carrot

• greenery


Rinse carrots and onions, peel them.

On a not very large grater, grate the carrots, put in the crock-pot. Add very finely chopped onion there. Add vegetable oil and set the multicook timer to Baking for five minutes.

After the carrots and onions are podgold, add minced meat to them. You can use pork, beef or chicken, or you can take mixed minced meat, this will make buckwheat even juicier.

Salt and add spices and fry for half an hour.

Meanwhile, we wash and sort out buckwheat, remove garbage and shells.

We spread buckwheat in a slow cooker to mincemeat and fry. Add water and close the lid. On the slow cooker, we install the program Plovili Buckwheat porridge.

After buckwheat is ready, mix it and can be put on the table.

Buckwheat on the water: how to cook buckwheat in a slow cooker

Buckwheat porridge according to this recipe is perfect as a breakfast. Its advantage is that the necessary products can be prepared in the evening, and the advantage of the multicooker is that the timer set in advance at the right time will turn on. By the time your family wakes up, buckwheat is ready.


• a glass of buckwheat

• salt

• a couple glasses of water

• a piece of butter


Rinse and sort the buckwheat. Remove black grains, shells and debris. It is better to rinse buckwheat several times.

Buckwheat put in a multicooker bowl, add the same water and salt.

On the slow cooker, set the Buckwheat porridge mode, increase the time to an hour.

After the buckwheat is cooked, add a piece of butter there.

How to cook buckwheat in a slow cooker: meat to garnish

Many housewives prefer to cook buckwheat in a slow cooker not with minced meat, but with pieces of white meat. It is more complicated and longer, but more will appeal to your men.


• a couple glasses of buckwheat

• three and a half glasses of water

• a quarter kg of chicken

• one onion

• one clove of garlic

• one carrot

• vegetable oil

• salt

• spices


Rinse the chicken fillet and cut into small pieces. Put them in the multicooker bowl and fry in the Baking mode for half an hour.

Wash the carrots and rub finely, chop the onion into small half rings. Add them to the pieces of meat.

Season with salt and season with spices. Fry still for 10 minutes.

Rinse and sort the buckwheat, remove the black grains and shells. Pour it over meat and vegetables.

Fill everything with water, mix and set the Buckwheat porridge mode. When the buckwheat is ready, you can sprinkle it with fresh parsley or dill.

Buckwheat chicken: how to cook buckwheat in a slow cooker

This recipe does not use traditional chicken, but pieces of chicken: drumsticks, thighs, breasts, backs. You can use any part of the chicken, from this buckwheat will become more like pilaf, and due to the fact that chicken meat, in contrast to fillet, is more juicy, buckwheat will turn out to be more rich.


• thighs, drumsticks, backs, chicken breast

• salt

• spices

• a glass of buckwheat

• one onion

• one carrot

• butter


We wash the chicken meat, remove the skin and excess fat. Cut into not very large pieces.

In a bowl of a multicooker we drown butter, add chicken to it. Fry slices for 20 minutes, do not forget to salt and sprinkle with spices.

My carrots, three on a coarse grater. We clean the onion and cut into half rings. We send everything to meat. Mix and fry for another 15 minutes.

Buckwheat washed and sorted. We remove garbage and bad seeds. We pour it to meat and vegetables, pour water and simmer in buckwheat porridge.

How to cook buckwheat in a slow cooker: pumpkin and chicken

Pumpkin is a product no less useful than buckwheat itself. Their combination gives the dish a very delicate taste, saturates the chicken, buckwheat and pumpkin enrich the body with minerals and vitamins, moreover, pumpkin is very useful for digestion.


• one and a half glasses of buckwheat

• kg of chicken

• half kg of pumpkin

• half a glass of milk

• half onion

• salt

• vegetable oil

• pepper


We wash the meat and cut it into small pieces, remove the skin and veins first. We spread in the bowl of the multicooker. Fill with vegetable oil and fry for 10 minutes in the Baking mode.

We clean the onion and cut into small half rings, add it to the meat.

We clean the pumpkin from the peel and seeds, cut into small pieces, add to the meat, salt and pepper, pour milk, stew in a slow cooker for about 40 minutes.

Mix and pour buckwheat to the pumpkin and meat. In Buckwheat porridge mode, we cook our dish for another hour. Pumpkin will boil and give juice, which buckwheat absorbs well.

Everyone is glad to eat buckwheat and tomato

Many housewives already know how to cook buckwheat in a slow cooker according to this recipe. The secret of the dish is that instead of water, chicken or vegetable broth is used, buckwheat is practically stewed in it and in tomato sauce. When preparing the broth, you can add cloves and pepper to it, then the broth will become more fragrant. Remember that broth is best used fresh.


• greenery

• one carrot

• salt

• one and a half glasses of broth

• butter

• pepper

• two large tomatoes

• a couple of onions

• a can of canned mushrooms

• one and a half glasses of buckwheat

• a glass of sautéed tomatoes


If you use not canned mushrooms, but fresh ones, then first of all clean them, remove all dirt from the legs and hats, and wash each mushroom well. After that, cut them into small half rings. Put the chopped mushrooms in a slow cooker.

Wash the carrots, rub it on a not too coarse grater, peel and chop the onions as well as the mushrooms in half rings. Add vegetables to the mushrooms.

My tomatoes, remove the peel from them, cut not large cubes.

Fill everything with vegetable and butter and fry for 20 minutes.

We wash buckwheat and sort it out, remove debris and shells. Pour buckwheat into the slow cooker, salt and pour the broth, add the tomatoes. We mix everything well and leave it to stew in Buckwheat porridge for half an hour.

After the porridge is ready, decorate it with greens.

Tricks and tips for cooking buckwheat in a slow cooker

  • It is better to fry vegetables and meat with the open lid of the multicooker, then they will get a rosy and fried look.

  • Buckwheat is preferable to cook on the broth, and which one, you choose.

  • If you use tomatoes when preparing buckwheat, be sure to remove the peel from them, then you will not come across slices of it when eating.

  • Many housewives advise to fry the meat in butter, then buckwheat will turn out to be less oily, and the taste of the dish will become softer.

  • You can decorate buckwheat porridge with greens. Parsley, dill or basil is best for this.

  • Ready buckwheat porridge can be put on a fresh leaf of salad if you used meat or minced meat during its preparation.

  • Buckwheat must be carefully sorted so that black grains or shells do not meet in the finished dish. Not only the type of dish, but also the taste depends on it.

  • It is best to wash buckwheat with running water, and several times to wash off all the dust.

  • In order for buckwheat in the multicooker to be more fragrant and aromatic, use spices. Curry is great.

  • If you cook buckwheat with meat or vegetables, always add buckwheat in the last place.

  • Buckwheat is cooked in water or broth in a ratio of 1: 2.

  • It is believed that buckwheat will turn out to be more tender and juicy, if, before cooking, slightly heat the cereal in a hot pan.

  • You need to cook buckwheat in a slow cooker in a special mode Buckwheat porridge, but you choose the time yourself, depending on how complicated the composition of your dish is.


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