Chakhokhbili from chicken in a slow cooker - a generous dish! Recipes hospitable chakhokhbili from chicken in a slow cooker


Chakhokhbili - Georgian chicken stew in an unusual sauce! It is prepared from a variety of products and get amazing, rich and aromatic dishes. A multi-cooker will help simplify the process and turn cooking into a pleasure.

Chakhokhbili from chicken in a slow cooker - general principles of preparation

For chakhokhbili, the whole carcass of a bird is most often used, which is then chopped in pieces. But there are recipes just with breast. With the fillet, the dish turns out less greasy and not so saturated.

In the classic version, the chicken is fried with onions, the remaining ingredients are added according to the recipe, the sauce is poured and stewed until cooked. In dietary and simplified recipes, all the ingredients of Chakhokhbili are stacked in a slow cooker and stewed until cooked. Sauces are prepared on the basis of tomatoes, often add wine, soy sauce.

What else can be added to the chicken:

• potatoes;

• eggplant;

• green beans;

• Sweet pepper.

A lot of spices are added to the dish. Usually this is a seasoning of hops-suneli, but you can pour any other. For spice, put chili pepper or cooked adjika.

In a slow cooker, two programs are usually used to prepare chakhokhbili. At the first, the constituent dishes are fried, then the stew is rearranged and brought to readiness. For frying, use the frying or baking mode.

Chakhokhbili from chicken in a slow cooker without frying

The recipe is simple, you can say diet chakhokhbili with tomatoes in a slow cooker. The dish does not contain anything superfluous, sharp, bright at the same time it is very easy to prepare.


• 1 kg of chicken;

• 0.2 kg of tomatoes;

• 2 onion heads;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• 1 sweet pepper;

• 0.5 pods of hot pepper;

• seasonings (hops-suneli, for chicken, salt).


1. Onion cut into half rings. Pour into a slow cooker.

2. Add the bell pepper to the onion, cut into pieces.

3. Cut the chicken into pieces, put on the onion in a slow cooker. We try to make an even layer.

4. Cut the tomatoes into slices, add garlic and hot pepper to them, kill them with a blender until mashed. The skin of tomatoes does not need to be removed. Hot peppers can be added more than indicated in the recipe. We do it according to our taste.

5. Salt and pepper the tomato puree, add the suneli hops or chicken seasoning. Stir the sauce and water the bird in a slow cooker.

6. Close the miracle pan, leave for half an hour. Let the chicken soak a little tomato.

7. Stir the chicken with the sauce, turn on the "Stew". Cooking a diet option chakhokhbili exactly one hour.

8. We lay the finished chicken on flat plates. Sprinkle with herbs, serve with tortillas.

Chakhokhbili chicken in a slow cooker with potatoes

In fact, not a lot of potatoes are laid in this dish, this is just one of the additional ingredients. But with her, the taste of Chakhokhbili turns out to be much more interesting.


• 1 chicken about 1.5 kg;

• two onions;

• sweet pepper pod;

• 2 potatoes;

• 0.1 kg butter;

• 4 cloves of garlic;

• 3 tomatoes;

• herbs, spices;

• 0.5 lemon;

• 1 tsp Georgian adjika.


1. Throw butter in a slow cooker, melt in the baking mode. If its quantity confuses, then it is possible to lay a little less, but it is undesirable.

2. Add the chopped onion heads to the oil, do not chop. Fry until soft.

3. Add the pieces of chicken, continue cooking. We give the bird a little fry so that the taste of the chakhokhbili is brighter.

4. Peel the potato tubers, cut into small cubes of 0.5 centimeters.

5. Grate or chop tomatoes in a blender, mix with adjika. If you do not like sharp, then putting it is optional.

6. Throw chopped pepper into the slow cooker, add potatoes and grated tomatoes.

7. Add juice from half a lemon.

8. Pour a glass of boiling water, salt the dish, throw any seasonings and chopped garlic.

9. Close the miracle pan, simmer the dish for 40 minutes in the appropriate mode.

Chakhokhbili chicken in a slow cooker with green beans

For this option, chakhokhbili uses asparagus beans, you can take frozen pods. You will also need chicken fillet.


• 0.3 kg of chicken fillet;

• 0.1 kg of bell pepper;

• 0.3 kg of beans;

• 0.2 liters of water;

• 0.05 kg of tomato paste;

• 1 onion;

• 3 tablespoons of oil.


1. Cut the onion head into arbitrary pieces. You can use more.

2. We lay with three spoons in a slow cooker, fry until rosy.

3. Fillet cut into cubes, throw to the onion.

4. Next add chopped sweet pepper.

5. Spread the beans. If the pods are frozen, then no pretreatment is needed, we throw it just like that. Fresh beans need to be cut into slices of 3-5 centimeters, the extreme ends are removed.

6. Add different spices, you can throw a spoonful of Georgian adjika, pour suneli hops or just season the dish with salt and black pepper.

7. Bring pasta in a glass of hot water. If the beans are used frozen, then half a glass is enough.

8. Pour into a slow cooker, stir.

9. Cook on the "Extinguishing" mode exactly 40 minutes.

Chakhokhbili chicken in a slow cooker with wine

This dish uses dry red wine, it gives it a unique aroma. But you can use a white drink, it will also turn out delicious.


• small chicken up to 2 kg;

• onion head;

• one pepper;

• three tomatoes;

• two cloves of garlic;

• 0.5 bunch of dill;

• 2-3 branches of cilantro;

• 150 ml of wine;

• 120 ml of soy sauce;

• butter;

• hops-suneli, laurel.


1. Rinse the chicken well and chop it into small pieces. We immediately discard bony areas without flesh, they will not come in handy.

2. Sprinkle the bird with pepper, seasoning hops-suneli or just take spices for chicken.

3. Heat a couple of tablespoons of oil in the frying mode, pour the cooked pieces, cook until lightly crusted.

4. Pour the wine and let it evaporate completely.

5. Add chopped onion and sweet pepper.

6. Dip the tomatoes in boiling water, remove the skin and cut into small cubes.

7. Spread the tomatoes to the chicken, add the soy sauce and chopped garlic.

8. Pour a glass of boiling water, salt, close.

9. We switch to the quenching mode, cook for 45 minutes. Turn off.

10. Throw chopped dill and cilantro, let the aromas of herbs penetrate the dish.

Chakhokhbili chicken in a slow cooker with canned tomatoes

An interesting recipe for chakhokhbili from chicken. The dish is prepared with tomatoes in its own juice, but you can also take canned tomatoes.


• 1 kg of chicken;

• 800 grams of tomatoes in their juice;

• 0.5 heads of garlic;

• 1 tsp chopped chili (you can take less);

• 1 hour l hops-suneli;

• 1 tsp coriander;

• 2 branches of purple basil;

• 300 grams of onions;

• butter.


1. Rinse the chicken, cut it into slices or immediately get the appropriate semi-finished product.

2. Set the frying mode, pour a little oil.

3. Throw pieces of chicken, cook for about fifteen minutes. We stir occasionally.

4. Shred the onion in half rings, send to the chicken. Let it be fried.

5. Tomatoes in our own juice are transferred to a bowl, add all the spices to them, put chopped garlic and stir, immediately salt.

6. If you just use canned tomatoes, then remove the skin and knead a little, then combine with spices.

7. Pour the tomato mass to the fried chicken.

8. Put a sprig of basil on top.

9. Close, simmer for 45 minutes, set the appropriate mode.

10. Put the dish in the plates. We tear off the leaves from the remaining branches of the basil, decorate the chakhokhbili.

Chakhokhbili from chicken in a slow cooker with eggplant

A variant of Georgian chakhokhbili with eggplant. It can be consumed independently or served with boiled rice, potatoes.


• 0.5 kg of chicken;

• 2 eggplants;

• 2 onion heads;

• 2 tomatoes (always ripe);

• 1 spoon of flour;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• 50 grams of butter;

• 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.


1. Cut the eggplant into pieces, sprinkle with salt and set aside. If the blue skin is tough, it is advisable to peel the fruits.

2. We cut the onions with straws, put them in a slow cooker and fry in the baking mode until transparent.

3. Sprinkle chicken with flour. You can just pour the box into a bowl and just stir.

4. Add chicken to the onion, fry together. As soon as the pieces are browned, add the butter, let it melt.

5. Finely chop the garlic and send to the dish.

6. Saza throws all kinds of spices that you like.

7. Rinse the eggplant slices from the salt, squeeze and transfer to a crock-pot.

8. Grate the tomatoes, pour into a slow cooker, add a glass of boiling water and stir.

9. Close, turn on the quenching, cook in this mode for half an hour. We try, if necessary, time can be added.

Chakhokhbili from chicken in a slow cooker - useful tips and tricks

• If chicken breast is used for chakhokhbili, then do not fry the product for a long time before stewing. Otherwise, the filet will become dry and tasteless.

• It is not necessary to add fresh tomatoes to the chakhokhbili. You can use pasta, ketchup, pickles.

• The smell of digested garlic is not everyone likes. Therefore, many housewives prefer to add it at the very end of cooking chakhokhbili, just pour it under the lid. They do the same with greens.

• If the chicken does not want to fry in the slow cooker and starts up the juice, then you can sprinkle the pieces with granulated sugar. Also, soy sauce helps to get a golden crust; you can add a little honey to it.

• Chakhokhbili in butter is tastier than in vegetable fat. But it burns faster. To make it tasty and beautiful, you can mix both types in half.


Watch the video: Georgian Chicken with Tomatoes and Herbs - Chakhokhbili. Грузинская Кухня - Чахохбили из Курицы (June 2024).