Ginger for immunity: what is its use. Recipes from ginger with lemon and honey for immunity - there is an effect!


In the season of flu and colds, I want to protect myself and loved ones from violent virus attacks. To do this with the help of folk recipes, time-tested, the best and easiest. The burning root of fresh ginger will protect the immune system from danger in the best possible way, and in the company of honey and lemon you will get a powerful antiviral immunostimulating agent.

What is ginger useful for immunity

Tropical guest - ginger root I liked the Russians. He replenished the piggy bank of folk remedies used to enhance natural immunity. And the burning taste, and bright aroma, and the powerful healing effect of ginger caused a popular love for this amazing plant.

Ginger for immunity is an excellent stimulant that builds up the body's defense against viruses and bacteria. Vitamins A, C and B, minerals (iron, magnesium, zinc, calcium) and plant acids give the delicious flesh of the ginger root a powerful force of nature. Entering the bloodstream, they help immune cells destroy pathological cells, viruses and bacteria.

As a result, a person recovers faster, recovers better after an illness, is less likely to get sick. The benefits of ginger for immunity are manifested in its ability to strengthen the body, cleanse it. Ginger drinks perfectly restore strength, give vigor and clarity of mind, reduce appetite and normalize metabolic processes.

Useful properties of ginger are proved:

• antiviral;

• anti-inflammatory;

• warming up;

• antiseptic;

• cleansing;

• bactericidal;

• stimulating.

There are several recipes for ginger for immunity, which include additional components: honey, lemon, and sometimes sugar. Such mixtures are of great benefit to the body. By combining the strength of the three components, immunity can be strengthened in a short time. And to do this is completely safe, using natural natural products.

What are the mixtures of ginger, honey and lemon

The classic triad, which was included in the treasury of the best folk remedies of immunostimulation, is ginger, honey and lemon. To understand why it works, you need to take into account the effect of each component on the human body.

Honey is a treasure given to man by nature. As a unique healing agent, honey has been used for centuries in folk medicine. It contains not only vitamins and minerals, but also amino acids, natural antibacterial substances. Honey contributes to the production of natural interferon - cells that protect the human body, able to cope with almost any viral threat.

A delicious immunostimulant, honey works great as an independent tool to strengthen immunity. A tablespoon of daily use is enough to patch up holes in the immune defenses and strengthen the body for several weeks. But in combination with ginger, honey strength doubles.

The same can be said of lemon. Champion among fruits in the content of ascorbic acid, lemon contains useful essential substances, trace elements, and other vitamins. Due to the huge dose of vitamin C, it is able to quickly neutralize viruses and restore the body's immune defense.

Ginger with lemon and honey for immunity is one of the best stimulating combinations. The components of the mixture complement, reinforce each other, showing their healing properties.

Helping the immune system in the fight against viruses, the mixture will have a beneficial effect on the human body:

• relieve sore throat with colds, tonsillitis, tonsillitis and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract;

• will help reduce temperature, ease the general condition;

• warms, relieves chills and aches;

• accelerate the removal of decay products of pathogenic microorganisms from the body;

• normalizes metabolic processes.

Among the beneficial properties of ginger and honey for immunity are blood purification, restoration of the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, lowering the load on the kidneys, strengthening the heart muscle, and getting rid of excess weight.

Recipes with ginger and honey for immunity

Traditional medicine knows several combinations made up of ginger with honey for immunity: a thick mixture, tea (infusion), decoction. Any tool will help, so focus on your taste and ease of preparation. If you combine the use of medicinal potions with general healing (hardening, physical activity, proper nutrition, lack of bad habits), a positive result will appear within the first two to three weeks.

It is important to follow the recommended healing regimen using ginger for immunity. The recipes below contain general recommendations and precise dosages. Do not abuse immunostimulating products so as not to harm the body.

The mixture is immunostimulating anti-inflammatory

If a cold starts, there is nothing better than this recipe. As soon as the characteristic aches in the joints began, the temperature rose, other symptoms appeared, you need to immediately begin treatment. Timely assistance to the immune system will help to avoid the disease or reduce its duration.

What is needed:

• one hundred grams of fresh ginger root;

• four medium-sized lemons;

• two hundred grams of real honey.

Ginger root must be washed and scraped off with a knife a thin skin. Then grate the aromatic root on a fine grater or grind in a powerful blender. Scalp lemons and cut into small slices together with peel. Grind lemons with ginger mass, add honey and mix well.

Put the mass in a glass jar and store in the refrigerator. Pay. Take immediately after the onset of the disease, and then at night. Dosage for an adult is one tablespoon.

Since ginger and honey warm well, you need to go to bed, wrap yourself well and try to sleep. If you "catch" the disease at the right time, it can recede.

For preventive purposes, in the off-season and cold, you can dissolve a teaspoon of the mixture in a glass of hot water and drink on an empty stomach every day for a month.

Fragrant anti-inflammatory tea

If a cold has begun, and there is no ready-made mixture of ginger with lemon and honey for immunity, tea from the same components will save. He will bring down the temperature, stop the inflammation.


• two tablespoons of grated ginger;

• three tablespoons of lemon juice;

• half a liter of boiling water;

• a tablespoon of honey.

Ginger root grate and pour boiling water. Cover and let stand for 10 minutes.

Strain the infusion, add lemon juice and honey, mix. Drink in two doses: the first portion immediately, the second - after two hours (in the form of heat). You can cook a new batch of tea each time, varying the amount of ingredients.

Ginger Healing Broth

Based on ginger, you can prepare a saturated broth in which the firming and anti-inflammatory properties of the plant will affect especially well.


• ginger root 2-3 cm;

• half a lemon;

• table boat of honey;

• two liters of water;

• a pinch of cinnamon (you can add 1-2 buds of cloves, a pinch of cardamom);

• sugar (optional, to your taste).

Peel the ginger, cut into slices or thin plates, add water and boil at a slow boil for half an hour. Turn off the broth, if desired, throw spices, allow to cool completely at room temperature.

Strain, add lemon juice and honey. Drink a glass a day, immediately after waking up, or vice versa, before bedtime. On the first day of the disease, you can take a loading dose - two glasses of a drink. Continue treatment until complete recovery.

Who should not use ginger for immunity

Unfortunately, not everyone can restore their immune forces with ginger-honey mixtures. First of all, people who suffer from intolerance to any component of the mixture will have to abandon such a healing agent. Ginger with lemon and honey for allergy sufferers is also an ordeal. If you are allergic to beekeeping products, citrus fruits, you should not risk it.

The following diseases are contraindications to the use of a healing composition:

• diabetes;

• chronic or acute heart disease;

• hypertension;

• stomach ulcer.

You can not take the composition of pregnant women and nursing mothers, young children. The age at which you can start an active effect on children's immunity is 3 years.

The combination of ginger, lemon and honey is ideal for supporting immunity. With the help of healing mixtures and decoctions, you can quickly recover and prevent the disease in the midst of a flu epidemic.


Watch the video: Turmeric + Ginger Honey Bomb. Immunity Boosting Recipe (June 2024).