Why dream of a herd of cows?


Even those residents of megacities who have never been to the village can dream of a cow, and even a whole herd of these domestic animals. What does such a dream mean and what is it worth preparing for a person who has seen many cows in a dream?

Modern dream book argues that this animal is a symbol unpredictability, so in reality you can expect anything. In order not to be mistaken with the forecast, it is very important to take into account all the details of sleep: the behavior of the cows themselves, their color, quantity and much more.

Dreamed of a herd of cows to what it

First you need to remember exactly how the herd looked, and how the animals behaved.

The interpretation of sleep may be as follows:

  • the cows looked painful, trampled on the spot and lowered their heads - this may mean soon health problems, to prevent trouble, consult a doctor;
  • see spotted animals - at work and in everyday life the dreamer is in for minor troubles that can be quickly resolved;
  • white cows see - people close to you are in dire need of your help and support;
  • herd of horned cows and bulls - someone will put you a stick in the wheel, you will encounter great stubbornness in reality;
  • see flying cows - you will do everything in order to achieve the desired and achieve the cherished goal;
  • little calf see - this is an image of hesitation and doubt, you need important advice and moral support;
  • herd of black animals see - A plot is being plotted against you, perhaps someone is preparing a love spell.

What dreams of a herd of cows woman and girl

If a herd of cows is dreaming of a woman, this dream should be interpreted depending on many details:

  • to see the bull covering the cow - you will soon be pregnant, but Freud gives a different interpretation of such a dream: you have a too dull and bland intimate life, you lack diversity, and therefore you become aggressive;
  • young girl run away from the herd of bulls - you are too closed and modest, so you can not meet a young man and get married;
  • if cows are dreamed about a woman - soon a man will appear in your life who will become the center of the universe for you;
  • if a pregnant woman dreamed of a well-groomed and well-fed flockto - to easy childbirth;
  • see a slaughter of cows or a bull go to slaughter - your life is at stake, use extreme caution.

Why dream of milking a cow and see milk

If you had a chance milk a cow in a dream and see a lot of milkThis may mean the following:

  • to milk the cow, which is quietly standing and not kicking - your cherished dream will come true soon, the woman hints that this is the time for her to have a child;
  • drink fresh milk - beware of dangerous connections, there are people in your environment who can substitute and betray;
  • keep an animal by the horns while another person milks - you are waiting for the loss of a large amount of money, loss of cards, financial difficulties or bankruptcy;
  • drive the whole flock to the water, pasture - you are waiting for change for the better.

A herd of running cows in a dream for what it is

Such a dream has different meanings:

  1. drive the flock home from the pasture - you have a business trip;
  2. see a large herd running across the field - you will have to make difficult choices soon, but your prospects are very bright;
  3. see peacefully grazing cows abruptly off the spot - on your way there will be unexpected obstacles;
  4. to dream a herd of cows in a penfrom which they are trying to escape - conflicts with relatives, but you will be able to quickly resolve them;
  5. a woman to look for a missing animal - Vanga claims that the dreamer will have problems with a child who is trying to become too independent.

What dreams of a cow with calves

If a woman or girl dreams of a herd of cows with calvesit means that she will achieve the desired, whichever way is chosen for this. It is likely that a new business will bring her fame and success, as well as a worthy cash reward.

To see such a dream for a pregnant woman - warning of possible danger during childbirth. Do not be afraid of prematurely, but you should take security measures.

If a man sees a calf entering the house - you will soon get good advice from a real guest.

Wet calf foreshadows vain anger, to see black calves - this is a sign warning of a serious illness.

If cows dream about a man

When a man in a dream are bulls and cows,Miller claims, that it is worth paying attention to their behavior:

  • butting and stubborn burenka - soon you will get what you want;
  • dream horns alone - unexpected obstacles, while if the horns are even, then it will be easy to cope with them, and crooked horns promise the passage of a thorny path;
  • dead animals see - unpleasant people will leave your life;
  • a mad cow began to appear to you in a dream - something will make you very angry;
  • animal of red color dreamed - someone is trying to deceive you;
  • kill the bull - you give up your own dreams;
  • feed the flock in your yard - someone will help you to realize your plans;
  • udder see - to inheritance or to a cash gift.


Watch the video: What does cow dreams mean? - Dream Meaning (June 2024).