The best self-fertile and fruitful varieties of plums for giving: description and photo. A selection of the most frost-resistant plum varieties: the best varieties


Plum has always been considered the most whimsical tree for the garden. But today, many varieties are bred that can successfully grow it even in the coldest corners of the country.

Let's get to know more closely the most popular novelties and the old proven varieties of the best plums.

Description and characteristics of the best self-pollinated varieties of plums

Self-pollinated varieties have long won the recognition of gardeners. For a good harvest, one tree is enough, which can not but rejoice in the presence of a small area. According to summer residents, from self-fertile varieties it is worth paying attention to such varieties:

• "Bogatyrskaya";

• "Viola";

• "In memory of Timiryazev."

Plum variety "Bogatyrskaya" It is considered one of the fruitful among the self-fertile varieties. Fruits the tree early, after five years after planting, you can collect at least three buckets of plums. Productivity increases gradually, reaching up to 60 kg per tree. An adult tree produces at least 80 kg of fruit. The fruits are large, elongated, dark purple, sweet and sour. Well tolerate transportation. Mass harvesting occurs in the second half of August. The tree is very tall, withstands frost, is resistant to major diseases, which is good for the climate of the middle zone.

Blue plums can be distinguished grade "Viola". The tree will please the fruits in three years, on average, you can collect up to three buckets of the crop. Plums of medium size, sweet and sour, rather juicy. The variety is medium-sized, frost-resistant, rarely affected by diseases and pests. Fruits tolerate transportation well. Plum is grown in the middle lane. In a dry summer, problems arise with cultivation, the ovaries crumble, the fruits are smaller.

Not less productive is considered proven variety "Memory of Timiryazev". The tree can withstand a temperature drop of up to -30 ° C, at lower rates the kidneys suffer, and productivity decreases. Plum fruits appear in the fourth year of cultivation. The average yield of a young tree is from 10 kg, with age it increases to three buckets. The fruits are medium in size, yellow, with a characteristic reddish blush. The pulp is dense, juicy, well separable, sweet and sour taste. The variety is zoned for central Russia.

The best harvested plum varieties for a summer cottage

When laying the garden, it is worth taking a look at the fruitful varieties that stably bear fruit, despite the vagaries of the weather. Of these, gardeners identified several of the most promising:

• "Morning";

• "Interesting";

• "Valor".

Grade "Morning" gives good yields, planted as a pollinator for many self-infertile plums. The variety is early ripe, mass harvesting begins in early August. At least buckets of plums are collected from a young tree, with age, the yield increases to 25 kg. Fruits are yellowish-green in color with a characteristic touch, juicy, tasty and fragrant. The stone is small, the plum peels well. The tree is stunted, comes into fruiting after 4 years of cultivation, is distinguished by good immunity. Frost resistance is average, the kidneys often freeze, but the plum quickly recovers. The variety is recommended for cultivation in the Central region.

Plum "Interesting" - A relatively new hybrid for the Central and Middle Band. The variety is self-infertile, planted next to pollinators. Productivity reaches three buckets. The fruits are yellow-green, round, sourness is present in the taste. The color of ripe fruits may change, becoming more orange.

Of late-ripening varieties stands out plum "Valor". The tree is self-fertile, needs pollinators. Variety of industrial purpose, stably fruits, gives at least 30 kg of fruit. The plum is large, maroon, with a characteristic waxy coating. The flesh is pale yellow, juicy and sweet. The bone is well separable. Universal variety, mass harvesting begins in the first ten days of September.

What frost-resistant plum varieties are best planted in the Moscow Region and central Russia?

In the middle zone, it is worth taking a look at the varieties that are highly resistant to disease, well resist the vagaries of the weather. These include plums:

• "Skoroplodnaya";

• "Red ball";

• "Yakhontovaya".

Plum "Skoroplodnaya" It is considered the best for the Moscow region and the middle zone. The variety is fully self-fertile, bearing stable fruit, high yields. The first plums appear in the third year of cultivation, with age, the yield reaches 30 kg per tree. Plums are yellow-red with sweet flesh, large, well transported. The tree is early ripe, the harvest is in early August. Frost resistance up to - 40 ° C, good immunity.

Variety "Red Ball" partially self-fertile, productivity increases in the presence of pollinators. The first fruiting occurs in the third year of growing seedlings. On average, 18-20 kg are harvested from a tree. Fruits are large, red, with yellow juicy pulp, sweet. The variety is resistant to major diseases.

Frost resistant and early ripening grade "Yakhontovaya" will enjoy the harvest in three years. The tree is vigorous, partially self-pollinated, tolerates a decrease in temperature to -30 ° C. Fruits of yellow color with a characteristic bloom, sweet and sour to taste, large, ripen in the second decade of August. At least 30 kg is collected from one tree.

The best of frost-resistant plum varieties for Siberia and the Urals

In the Siberian climate, plums are rarely grown. Preference is given to seedlings grafted onto the most cold-resistant crop - Ussuri plum, which easily tolerates frosts down to -50 ° C. The most productive are the varieties:

• "Uvelskaya";

• "Yellow Hopty";

• "Pioneer".

Variety "Uvelskaya" It is self-fertile, hardy and productive. The tree is resistant to diseases and pests. Fruits are medium sized, dark red, elongated, sweet with some acidity. Fruiting begins in the fourth year of cultivation, harvested in the first half of August. Plums are suitable for conservation, processing and summer consumption.

Grade "Yellow Hopty" annually gives at least 30 kg of plums. The tree is medium-sized, frost-resistant, partially self-fertile. Fruits of universal purpose, ripen by the end of summer, large, bright yellow with a characteristic blush. The taste is sweet and sour, the flesh is juicy. The first crop is formed four years later.

Considered very hardy grade "Pioneer". A tree of medium maturity, partially self-fertile, high-yielding. Fruits are saturated red with a wax coating, medium in size. The pulp is juicy, tasty, honey-colored, the bone is easily separable. The average yield is from two to three buckets, maximally remove up to 40 kg of fruit from a tree. Mass fruit harvest occurs in the first decade of August.


Watch the video: 12 Fruit Trees that Thrive in the Desert with Little Care (June 2024).