Wonderfully beautiful and deliciously crunchy walnut cookies. Shortbread, curd and oatmeal - cookie recipes with walnuts


Crunch cookies, or nuts? And if both? Gingerbread cookies - a gourmet treat. The delicacy is not difficult to prepare, but it is difficult to imagine it everyday. Jubilee and other holiday cakes are decorated with nuts, cookies are served on the table for special occasions.

Well, if there are plenty of nuts, why not bake wonderful friable crusts even without a special occasion? Any dough is suitable, from kefir to shortbread. Nuts, if they were only of high quality, can be crushed into dough, or put in halves on top. Such goodies are no less fun for kids than Easter cakes with raisins. Well, and what if mom fiddles a little longer, but what a delight among the family!

Walnut Cookies - General Cooking Principles

• Baking with nuts baked in the oven is prepared from almost any type of dough. It is kneaded on kefir, sour cream, honey and even with oatmeal. Especially tender and crumbly cookies are obtained from shortcrust pastry.

• Walnut kernels are added to the dough itself when kneading, sprinkled with prepared preparations after cutting, laid inside or simply put in halves on top of cookies before baking.

• Nuts must be well roasted before use in a dry frying pan or in an oven on a baking sheet. Then cool well on a spread linen or disposable towel.

• Chilled nuts may need to be chopped or finely chopped with a knife. They are broken into small pieces or in half by hand, the crumbs of nuts are prepared by grinding the nuts with a blender or meat grinder.

• Sesame seeds, raisins soaked in water or granulated sugar can be added to walnuts. It all depends on the purpose for which they are used, for filling or sprinkling.

• Flavor cookies with vanilla or cinnamon, added to the dough when kneading it.

Tender Shortbread Cookies with Walnuts


• a pound of flour;

• three raw yolks;

• one glass of unrefined sugar;

• pinch of evaporated salt;

• butter or frozen home-made cream - 300 gr .;

• half teaspoon quicklime soda;

• a full glass of crushed walnut kernels.

Cooking method:

1. Lightly soften the butter (cream) until white with yolks and sugar.

2. Transfer the flour into a large bowl and mix with salt and soda. Form a slide, in the center make a small depression and put the oil mixture in it.

3. Quickly mix the mass with a spoon and hand knead a thick dough. Roll it up in a lump, place it in a bag and place in the refrigerator for half an hour.

4. Roll the formation, about 0.7 cm thick and cut into small squares. You can cut the dough with special cookie cutters or a glass.

5. Put the cookie blanks on a roasting pan moistened with vegetable oil and sprinkle each with plenty of ground nuts. To make them stick well to the dough, lightly press it with your hand.

6. Put the roasting pan in the oven at 220 degrees and bake until the cookies turn golden.

Cookies with Walnuts - "Snowy Raspberry"


• 125 ml of sour cream with a fat content of 20%;

• 125 gr. walnut pulp;

• a small bag of vanilla sugar;

• white flour, baking - 300 gr.;

• butter, natural butter - 125 gr.;

• powdered sugar for decoration;

• white sugar - 100 gr.

Cooking method:

1. In a dry frying pan, calcine the kernels well and put on a spread paper towel to cool. Transfer the cooled kernels to a bowl, add half the norm of granulated sugar and beat the blender into small crumbs.

2. Rub the remaining sugar with butter into a lush mass. Add nut crumbs, vanilla sugar, sour cream and mix well.

3. Introducing the flour in small portions, knead the dough, tighten the bowl with a film or cover with a lid and put it in the cold for an hour.

4. Line the roasting pan with parchment, turn on the oven for heating.

5. Remove the dough from the refrigerator and, prying it with a spoon, with wet hands form cookies in the form of short sticks.

6. Bake "sticks" in a 180 degree mode, until bright golden. It usually takes 20 minutes.

7. Put hot cookies in a bowl with powdered sugar and sprinkle it well on each of them from all sides. After that, cool the “snowy” cookies on a wire rack well, or immediately spread them on a wide dish in the form of raspberries.

Cottage Cheese Cookies with Walnuts - "Walnut Ears"


• two fresh eggs;

• 200 gr. fresh “Creamy” margarine or 72% butter;

• 300 grams of sifted baking flour;

• a teaspoon of factory ripper for dough;

• 150 gr. unrefined sugar;

• a small bag of vanilla powder;

• 100 gr. pitted light raisins;

• kernels of nuts - 100 gr.;

• 200 gr. 9% cottage cheese.

Cooking method:

1. Melt the butter or margarine completely and place the saucepan in a large diameter ice-filled container for cooling.

2. Without chopping walnuts, fry for seven minutes in a dry frying pan and leave to cool.

3. Pour raisins for a quarter of an hour with warm water. Then rinse well and dry dry, laying out on a clean towel.

4. Finely chop the cooled nuts with a knife, cut the raisins into thin strips and combine everything in a small deep plate. Add four tablespoons of sugar and mix.

5. Spoon the butter with the remaining sugar. Add vanilla powder, beat the eggs and stir until smooth.

6. Grate the cottage cheese on a sieve and mix it well with melted butter.

7. Combine the curd mixture with the butter, add the ripper and mix.

8. When adding flour, quickly knead a very soft dough. Do not rush to fill all the flour at once, pour a little. The dough should turn out not just soft, but also stick to your hands.

9. Then divide the mixed mass into two. First, take one and roll it out in a round layer half a centimeter thick. Sprinkle the dough on top of the cooked nut-raisin filling and lightly press it into the dough. You can press it with your hands or roll it with a slight pressure with a rolling pin.

10. Roll the plate on both sides to the center with a roll, cut it across the strips of two-centimeter width and lay the original cookie blanks on a dry baking sheet.

11. Bake in a hot oven until light brown at 180 degrees.

Cookies with walnuts on honey without eggs - "Snails"


• half a glass of liquid light honey;

• two tablespoons of softened butter;

• half a glass of low fat sour cream;

• 1/4 tsp cinnamon powder;

• juice 1/8 thin-skinned lemon;

• quicklime baking soda - 1/3 tsp;

• two glasses of white, high-quality flour;

• nut kernels, halved.

Cooking method:

1. Finely mash soft butter with honey. Add sour cream, 1/3 tsp. salt and slaked lemon juice. Whisk the mixture with a whisk and pour cinnamon.

2. Without ceasing to beat, gradually introduce the flour.

3. When all the flour has left and it turns out not too thick, but homogeneous dough, place it in a special pastry bag and squeeze into a roasting pan in the form of spiral circles.

4. In the middle of each such circle, put half a walnut.

5. Bake cookies at 180 degrees until it is lightly browned.

6. Remove the cookie from the baking sheet when it cools when the top is slightly hardened.

Oatmeal cookies with walnuts with honey - "Meteor"


• 250 gr. dark or light honey (necessarily liquid);

• 60 gr. pitted light raisins;

• half a small bag of vanilla powder;

• sesame seed - 200 gr.;

• 100 gr. toasted walnuts (nucleoli);

• 200 gr. "quick" oatmeal flakes.

Cooking method:

1. Soak for five minutes the sorted raisins in cold water. Then put on a sieve, rinse and dry well.

2. Pour liquid honey into a bowl. Add raisins, sesame and vanilla.

3. Pour in chopped kernels, oatmeal and mix thoroughly.

4. Cover the baking sheet with an oiled sheet of parchment.

5. With slightly moistened hands, roll the dough balls about the size of a nut, lay the blanks on oiled paper, and slightly press down.

6. Place the cookie sheet in a hot oven and bake at 180 degrees for about 12 minutes.

Kefir Quick Cookies with Walnuts - Full Moon


• 250 ml of warm, 3.2% kefir;

• a pound of wheat baking flour;

• 220 gr. white, refined sugar;

• 150 gr. "Peasant" butter or margarine for baking;

• a teaspoon of quick soda;

• nuts (kernels) - 100 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Flour flour twice on a rare sieve. Dissolve butter or cream margarine in a water bath and cool. Calcine nuts at moderate temperature in a thick-walled pan. In it, cool and coarse.

2. Mix warm, non-hot kefir with soda and gently mix with a whisk until lightly foaming.

3. Combine the cooled melted butter with sugar and pour into kefir.

4. Add a portion of flour, about a glass, and mix. Then fill in the remaining flour and knead the uncooked dough with your hands. It should easily lag behind the hands and at the same time be soft and plastic. You can use the dough immediately or hold it a little on the table under a linen napkin (about half an hour).

5. Take a small piece of dough and roll it with a rolling pin. The thickness of the reservoir should be at least 1.7 cm.

6. Take the cookie cutter in the shape of a flower and squeeze the cookie blanks with it. Blind the rest of the dough and place it on the main piece.

7. In the middle of each flower, put a small handful of chopped walnut kernels and, gently pressing, press the nuts into the dough.

8. Put cookies on a greased baking sheet and bake. At 180 degrees, the baking time is up to 20 minutes.

9. Cooled cookies can be embellished with powdered sugar.



• one kilogram of white baking flour, premium

• 350 gr. Sahara;

• 300 ml of non-aromatic vegetable oil;

• 200 ml of light live beer;

• walnut kernels - 200 gr.;

• 150 gr. peeled hazelnuts;

• 11 gr. bag of a factory cultivator for the test.

Cooking method:

1. Hazelnut kernels are well calcined in a hot oven and cool.

2. Transfer a portion of flour (600 gr.) Into a wide bowl with a slide. With your hand, make a wide, not too deep funnel in it. Pour beer with vegetable oil into it and mix well with a spoon.

3. Then gradually introduce the remaining flour into the mixture, sifted with the cultivator, and knead a smooth, fairly plastic dough.

4. Nibbling a small piece from the dough, shape the balls. Then squeeze each ball so that a cake is obtained. In the center, put one nut kernel and roll them back with a ball.

5. Put the prepared balls on the frypot, on special paper, keeping a distance in the thickness of the little finger, from each other.

6. Heat the oven to 200 degrees and bake cookies in it for 20 minutes.

7. Dissolve sugar in 350 ml of water and boil a thick syrup, you do not need to cook for a long time, 10 minutes are enough.

8. Finely chop the hazelnuts, and sprinkle on a wide shallow plate.

9. Take one cooled cookie, prick it on a long knitting needle and dip in syrup. Then put on sprinkled nuts, sprinkle well with nut crumbs on all sides and transfer to a large tray or dish.

10. When all the cookies are ready, leave them warm for three hours, covered with a linen towel.

Cookies with Walnuts - Useful Tips and Cooking Tricks

• If the kernels are too dry, soak them in advance for half an hour in milk. Then dry well and only then calcine.

• For curd dough, try to get non-grainy, elastic curd. If this is not found, take the one that is, just grind it twice on a sieve.

• If necessary, mix the cultivator and baking soda in liquids or mix well with flour. If they fall asleep at the end of kneading the dough, it will turn out to be heavy and loose.

• It is advisable to give the oatmeal test a little distance so that they swell a little.

• For the dough kneading on kefir, it is best to take a slightly soaked or even expired sour-milk drink, odorless.
