How to refuse a person and not offend, given his zodiac sign?


Getting rejected is always unpleasant. But denying the service is not easy. Often this entails resentment and discontent. But, knowing the zodiac sign of the opposite side, subsequent conflicts can be minimized. People born under one or another constellation react differently to the refusal to satisfy their request. Therefore, it is important to consider the characteristics of a person. Having become acquainted with how a person behaves, you can predict his reaction and provide information so as not to cause mental trauma.


Aries are explosive people who want to get everything at once. Failure pisses them off; they are ready to fight to get what they want. But the representatives of this sign will immediately calm down, decide that the interlocutor is right if they hear an explanation why they are refused.

Therefore, justify your refusal, put everything on the shelves and clearly explain why you can not satisfy the request of Aries.


Taurus will silently listen to the refusal and will not give the appearance that he is offended. But it just seems. He ponders other ways to get what he wants. If you need to refuse Taurus, look for an alternative, offer him something in return. Taurus will be pleased, because you will save him from the need to solve a difficult task.


Refuse calmly. No matter how violently this representative of the zodiac sign reacts, in just a few minutes he will weigh everything and consider that the interlocutor is right. He would not think to be offended. He will simply look at what is required on the other hand and decide that he does not need this. The twins simply refuse, these are thoughtful people, they will not be offended by trifles.


Crayfish are vulnerable people. They are experiencing a refusal painfully, will again and again make attempts to get what they want. No argument will help. They will come to ask for the necessary tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Especially if you notice that the refusal was given in a mild form.

In this case, refuse categorically. Immediately warn Cancer that the decision is irrevocable and will never change. Do not try to say that you just can’t satisfy the request, otherwise Cancer will seize on hope and will plague you with demands.


If they are refused, they decide that they have lost a friend. And since there is no friend, then there is an enemy. They will discuss the shortcomings of the interlocutor with common acquaintances and friends. Arguments will not be accepted. They only need what they ask and the point.

Do not pay attention. Refuse and convince that you would not want to lose a friend, but the request is impossible.


Virgo receive blows of fate steadily. They will not show how affected by failure. The pain will be hidden behind a mask and continue to communicate with the opposite side. They believe that everything is given by the Higher Powers, so it is not fate to get what they want, and they will live with it. Nothing will be undertaken to change the situation. This quality sometimes disturbs them. But to refuse Virgo is not difficult, no offense will follow.


Scales are unrivaled tactics. Having been refused, they will begin to beat options, offer an alternative, just to get what they want.

The refuser should thoroughly prepare for the conversation. You have to convince Libra that you really cannot fulfill the request. If this succeeds, there will be no offense. But talking this zodiac sign is not easy. You will not notice for yourself how you promise to satisfy another request. And then discover that you are doing what you were denied for the first time. In this case, good luck and patience should be wished not to Libra, but to the one who should refuse the service.


When refusing Scorpions, remember they are extremely vengeful. They will remember the unsatisfied request through the years and will refuse you, smiling smugly. The only thing that can be recommended is, after a refusal, never turn to Scorpio for help.


Sagittarius normally accept rejection, continue communication, will not harbor grudges. But this is only if the required is not the goal of all life. Here Sagittarius will not calm down quickly. They will ask, threaten, bribe, but they will achieve what they want. Before refusing, think, maybe this is really important for a person.

In any case, the refusal will have to be argued and said that the decision will not change. Perhaps Sagittarius will offer the interlocutor something that he will not be able to refuse, and he himself will gladly take up the resolution of the problem in exchange for the proposed one.


Capricorn stubbornly goes to the goal, even if he hears a refusal. Nothing will stop the representative of this sign on the way. He will not be offended, but he will begin to plague and demand, persuade, prove that he is right. The refuser should be patient. Capricorn is not offended, he is just looking for ways to get what he needs.

Firmly stand your ground. After a while, Capricorn will come to thank for the fact that they refused. He will reconsider his own views and consider that you are right.


If you are ready to acquire the enemy, refuse. No argument convinces Aquarius. He will pout, be capricious, prove right. He will be offended, no matter how gently they explain to him why they refuse. Aquarius is always right. If you can prove that the truth is on your side, then he will apologize. But Aquarius is perhaps the only signs that rejection does not accept at all.

You just need to come to terms with the situation, especially if you know that the request is really impossible. The second time Aquarius will not seek help, never and under no pretext.


Pisces are sensitive natures, capable of plunging into depression for any reason. No, they won’t be offended. They will think that fate is extremely cruel to them, to grieve and worry alone.

Fishes are often uncomfortable to refuse, they feel sorry for them. These zodiac signs are well aware of the inconvenience they create with their plaintive appearance and take advantage of this. Despite the soft character, Pisces are skillful manipulators. Therefore, if you really want to refuse them, do not pay attention to tears. But rarely does anyone give up the role of savior of world civilization. Fish get what they want.

Under whatever sign of the zodiac a person is born, refuse firmly if you are sure of the rightness. Why do you need a friend who is not able to understand that his requests are impossible? A smart person will not be offended.


Watch the video: how i feel about YOUR zodiac sign. . (June 2024).