Scientists explain the cause of homosexuality


The idea of ​​the gene responsible for homosexuality, which appeared in the early 90s, caused a real sensation. One American geneticist published data showing that homosexual preferences were observed in several generations of families on the part of the mother for several generations, the DNA structure contained a single X chromosome gene.

Not so long ago, a study appeared that confirmed and deepened this discovery.

In particular, the connection was established homosexuality with three more genes, but on other chromosomes. However, scientists were interested in a completely different question: why these genes are so widespread - from five to eleven percent. Obviously, gay men have significantly fewer children than men with traditional sexual orientation. Then, according to logic, the gene responsible for homosexuality should gradually disappear.

The reason is the existence of special antagonist genes that manifest themselves in a special way only in men. Italian researchers have published data according to which women who have homosexual men in their families had 1.3 times more children than those of male heterosexuals. It turns out that the homosexuality gene increases only in gay men, and in women it increases the desire to have as many children as possible.


Watch the video: The evolution of homosexuality: A new theory. Richard Prum (June 2024).