5 most popular summer diets


Many people notice that in summer it is much easier to lose weight than in winter. Why so? Just on a typical warm day, we are more active and this helps us burn fat faster. Therefore, most girls start losing weight since summer, as it takes less time and effort. Summer gives a huge amount of fresh berries, herbs, fruits, which helps effective weight loss and adds a charge of minerals and vitamins.
It does not matter in what month of summer to start losing weight, as long as there is a great desire to achieve the desired result. But in the summer there are a lot of temptations, so you need to stock up on willpower so as not to get off the right path. Adhering to simple recommendations you can easily come to your ideal.

Many people notice that in summer it is much easier to lose weight than in winter. Why so? Just on a typical warm day, we are more active and this helps us burn fat faster. Therefore, most girls start losing weight since summer, as it takes less time and effort. Summer gives a huge amount of fresh berries, herbs, fruits, which helps effective weight loss and adds a charge of minerals and vitamins.
It does not matter in what month of summer to start losing weight, as long as there is a great desire to achieve the desired result. But in the summer there are a lot of temptations, so you need to stock up on willpower so as not to get off the right path. Adhering to simple recommendations you can easily come to your ideal.

Top 5 most popular summer diets

1. It’s impossible to imagine summer without appetizing vegetable salads. Salad diet is very popular at this time of year. This will not only quickly lose weight, but also improve health. Only 2 weeks set aside for the salad diet. This is very convenient, especially when you need to quickly bring yourself in shape before the holidays. Adhering to this diet, you can lose up to 7 kg. In the first week during the day you need to drink about 1 liter of water. At breakfast, before 30 minutes before a meal, you should drink a glass of water with lemon, and then prepare a salad of pear, orange, apple and pour with yogurt. The fat content of yogurt should not exceed 1%. For lunch and dinner, you can make any vegetable salad with olive oil or lemon juice. Potatoes can not be added to the salad. In the second week you need to stick to the same diet, only for lunch it is recommended to eat 100 grams of unsalted meat.

2. Extreme diet is suitable for those who did not care about their figure for a year and remembered about it before the beginning of the summer. This diet does not have a negative impact on health, despite the fact that in just two days you can lose up to two kilograms. Within two days you need to eat 1 lemon, 4 apples, a piece of lean meat and 2 crackers.

3. With cabbage soup you can easily lose weight in a week. Due to the low calorie content, such a soup can be consumed after the notorious 6 pm. With this diet you can lose about 5 kg ...

4. Raw foods are very useful for women. The diet includes fruits, vegetables, seeds, raw herbs. It is forbidden to add meat, fish, milk, poultry to food. This diet treats gynecological diseases. Raw foods are recommended to stick about two weeks. You need to eat fruits and vegetables of different colors, legumes and grain seedlings, seeds, mineral supplements. This is useful when you need to clean the digestive tract.

5. Diet "mannequin" attracts many with its performance. In 3 days you can lose about 2-5 kg. Although using this diet you can achieve quick results, the body reacts to it very hard. The basis of the diet is cottage cheese. If every day to use 1200 mg of cottage cheese, then, as a rule, weight is not gained.


Watch the video: 5 Refreshing Summer Salads Tasty (June 2024).