Wheat germ oil and its beneficial properties. How to apply wheat germ oil for face and hair.


In all countries of the world, wheat germ oil has long been valued as a unique tool used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. From small wheat grains, natural vegetable oil is pressed out, which has an unsurpassed antioxidant and anti-aging properties. A gift of nature, containing a huge amount of macronutrients, vitamins and beneficial substances, has been used since ancient times to the present day.

The biochemical composition of the oil is unique, therefore it is actively used in medicine, cosmetology and the food industry. Three active components: tocopherols, antioxidants and carotenoids determine the uniqueness of its biochemical composition and a storehouse of useful qualities. Wheat germ oil is recognized as a champion in the content of vitamin E, which gives immortal beauty and youth. Therefore, those girls and women who seek to remain young, beautiful and healthy, should turn their gaze to the oil of wheat germ.

Wheat germ oil and its beneficial properties

Conventionally, the properties of the oil can be divided into therapeutic and cosmetic. Let's start with the first:

1. Stimulation of metabolic processes in the body. Thanks to the oil, the metabolic process is accelerated, thereby prolonging the female youth, beauty, taut and "blooming" appearance;

2. Slowing down the aging process (the main secret is the abundance of vitamin E in the biochemical composition of wheat germ oil);

3. The function of cleaning the body (the chemical composition of the oil contributes to the active removal of toxins and harmful substances)

4. Anti-inflammatory function (soothes the skin, effectively removing inflammatory processes);

5. Struggles with various skin diseases and problems: treats acne, acne and other skin rashes;

6. Effectively heals abrasions, burns and wounds on the skin;

7. Optimizes blood circulation processes in the body;

8. Preventive control of cardiovascular diseases and illnesses of the central nervous system;

9. Normalizes reproductive function (treats prostatitis, infertility, increases potency, etc.);

10. Acts as an antioxidant, reversing the aging process of cell membranes;

11. Activates the human immune system, increasing the overall level of body resistance;

12. Normalizes cholesterol in the liver, blood;

13. It has a sedative effect on the central and peripheral nervous system of a person;

14. Eliminates hormonal disruptions in the body;

15. Prevents the development of varicose veins, due to the strengthening effect on the walls of capillaries.

Cosmetic properties of wheat germ oil

1. It has anti-cellulite effects (it is recommended to do a special anti-cellulite massage using this oil);

2. Strengthens and nourishes the hair;

3. Smoothes wrinkles (due to the active effect of phytosterol, vitamin E and polysaturated acids);

4. Gently cares for the skin, making it velvety, beautiful and healthy (due to the content of vitamin B, vitamin E, linoleic acid, an optimal water-lipid balance is established);

5. Allantoin softens the skin, transforming and toning it, making it soft and moisturized;

6. Improves the condition of teeth and nails (external and internal use of oil is recommended);

7. Evens skin tone, eliminates pigmentation;

8. With regular use, has a slight whitening effect;

9. Eliminates stretch marks and deep wrinkles, increasing the coefficient of skin elasticity (due to zinc, vitamin A, copper and sulfur, the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibrillar proteins is accelerated);

10. Soothes the sensitivity of the skin;

11. It has a peeling effect;

12. Stabilizes the function of sebaceous glands (narrowing of pores).

Vitamin E, the main secret of the success of oil, has a great service to women's health and beauty. The antioxidant effect prolongs the youth of youth and freshness, so for us this oil is a unique treasure and valuable treasure.

Contraindications to the use of wheat germ oil

The only contraindication for the use of this oil may be individual intolerance and an allergic reaction to the oil, but this is extremely rare. Also, this oil does not need to apply to those who have urolithiasis and cholelithiasis.

Ways of using wheat germ

Allocate internal and external use of wheat germ oil. Inside this oil is used as a food additive for diseases of the PNS and central nervous system, with anemia, in case of problems with overweight, hormonal disorders, cardiovascular diseases, and several other ailments. Also, oil is useful to use for people who have had severe diseases and are in the rehabilitation period. They also prescribe taking wheat germ oil to people who are subject to constant stress, who suffer from insomnia.

The dosage of oil is usually 1 ml per day for 30-60 days. This dose and the duration of the drug can normalize cholesterol levels in the liver, increases the overall resistance of the body.

Important! Be sure to consult your doctor before taking the oil! Self-medication can harm your body and well-being.

The use of oil for cosmetic purposes will positively affect the condition of hair, skin, nails, even eyelashes and eyebrows. Also, it will help cope with wounds and burns, acne. It is usually diluted with other, less heavy vegetable oils (for example, olive, avocado or almond), because it is comparatively more dense in structure. Observe the correct proportion - 1: 4. In undiluted form, use this oil only on certain areas on the skin (wrinkles, wounds, rashes, inflammations, coarse areas on the skin).

Wheat Germ Oil for Face

Do not use pure oil (especially on the area around the eyes), be sure to dilute it. This oil is not suitable for daily use on the entire skin of the face undiluted (clogs fine pores).

Wheat germ oil for dry skin

It is necessary to mix the oil with rosehip oil, olive or almond (1 to 3 ratio). Use the mixture before bedtime.

Wheat germ oil for oily skin

It is necessary to mix the oil with grape seed oil (1 to 4) and apply the mixture daily before bedtime.

Care for aging and loose skin

For three teaspoons of oil, use one drop of orange, mint and sandalwood oil. Dab a cotton towel in the mixture and put it on the face. Keep this application should be from 25 minutes to half an hour.

Care for problem skin prone to inflammatory processes

For three teaspoons of oil, use two drops of cedar and lavender oil. The mixture is applied to a cotton towel, and then applied to the entire face. It is necessary to hold such towel on the face 25 minutes. Try to relax, relax during this session of beauty, then the result will impress you and surpass all your hopes, dreams and expectations!

For whitening and smoothing skin tone

For three teaspoons of oil, use one drop of orange or lemon oil. Apply the mixture for twenty minutes, it does not need to be washed off. Such a mask for tangible effect is recommended to be done twice a day (course duration - 25 days).

Getting rid of wrinkles around the eyes

For three teaspoons of oil, use one drop of sandalwood oil and neroli oil. Gentle and neat, patting movements applied to the skin around the eyes. She herself absorbed, it does not need to be washed off.

Facial treatment with undiluted oil

For problem skin

You can lubricate problem areas on the skin (burns, acne, ulcers) with a small amount of undiluted oil. Also, the oil effectively and quickly moisturize the hardened areas on the skin.

To combat wrinkles

Undiluted oil is also applied to certain areas prone to wrinkles: the forehead, the area between the eyebrows, nasolabial folds, the corners of the eyes.

To get an unsurpassed result you just need to use natural recipes.

Wheat Germ Oil for Hair

Regular use of masks based on wheat germ oil can increase the elasticity, shine and natural beauty of the hair. Also, this oil effectively fights problems: hair loss, weakness and brittleness, dullness and lifelessness of curls.

Firming mask with wheat hair germ oil

Apply undiluted oil on the scalp for half an hour or an hour. This mask must be used twice a week (two months). Then slightly modify the mask recipe. It is necessary to mix the oil with jojoba oil (in equal proportions). The resulting liquid is rubbed into the scalp and evenly distributed along the length of the curls. Keep the mask for 20-30 minutes, rinse thoroughly.

Apply wheat germ oil with hair shampoo

It is very easy to improve the formulation of your daily shampoo, conditioner or hair lotion. To do this, you need to add just one teaspoon of oil in the above care products. Your hair will be gorgeous and incredibly beautiful.


Watch the video: 8 Incredible Benefits & Uses of Wheat Germ Oil (June 2024).