How to remove damage - a unique guide. How to recognize and remove induced damage at home.


Damage is the deliberate intentional infliction of evil on a specific person. If he suffocates envy or wants to take revenge on the enemy for something, then the person causes damage to him, not realizing, it seems to me, to the end, what he undertakes and what it will turn for him in the future. There are often cases when a person causes damage or simply enjoys practical black magic, and his children and even grandchildren are paying the price. No one has the right to interfere in the fate of another person and to spoil his life in every possible way, especially in such a terrible way.

Signs of spoilage - how to recognize

There are many types of damage. Each of them has a different effect on the person and, accordingly, the signs of damage may also differ. If you have several of the following symptoms, and that you are okay with health, then damage may be caused to you.

1. There may be big problems with sleep. Frequent insomnia leads to indisposition, constant feelings of weakness and drowsiness. Apathy appears, a person does not want to do anything, he doesn’t even have the strength to get out of bed, not to mention going to work or doing household chores. It seems that I want to sleep, but as soon as the head touches the pillow, this feeling disappears and you can spend the whole night looking at the ceiling or I think jumping sheep in my head.

2. You began to notice how the person who is dear to you the most, began to move away from you abruptly. It is important not to confuse it with anything else. It may not be a matter of damage at all, but when everything was fine yesterday, and the next day it seemed to have been replaced, it is really worth considering.

3. Signs of serious diseases began to appear, but when examining, diagnosing, and passing all tests, nothing is found, and the state of health is deteriorating. This is one of the most basic signs of damage, because it can change not only your physical condition, but also affect your mental state and you will feel that your whole body hurts, but it’s just a hoax to make you crazy and make you worry and worry.

4. Obsessive bad thoughts appear, overcomes the fear of death and the fear that something bad will happen to you or someone from your family. It starts to seem like someone else’s voice is heard in your head, prompting you to do a bad deed or do something with yourself. It makes you doubt your balance. Hallucinations appear, and you will increasingly begin to confuse fiction with reality.

5. If you have a cat or, better, a dog, you will notice how they change their attitude towards you. They feel very thin person, his attitude and even able to see what is hidden from the human gaze. The cat will start to beware of you and will hiss and run away if you want to stroke it. The dog may show aggression in your direction, because the beloved mistress has suddenly become different, and the dog does not like it.

6. You will feel like luck has left you. Even in the simplest of daily affairs, failure awaits. Everything will fall out of your hands, break, and you will become more scattered and clumsy. If luck has never accompanied you, then you will not notice this symptom. The contrast is clearly visible when you were born under a lucky star, and then, at one point, everything suddenly began to go downhill. Absolutely everything cannot be bad. If this is so, then there definitely wasn’t without damage.

7. Lowers self-esteem and begins to seem as though there is no uglier person in the world. Suddenly out of nowhere a strong feeling of insecurity will appear and there will be a disgust for everything that you used to like in yourself. Again, there are people who, in principle, suffer from low self-esteem, so they simply will not notice this symptom.

8. Depression begins, and it seems that no one in this world needs you. I want to quit all at once and go somewhere or commit suicide. A person will suddenly alienate all his relatives and stop communicating with even his closest friends. He wants to close in on himself and just be silent. Anyone who starts a conversation on any topic will be immediately rejected, and the conversation will be interrupted.

9. If you touch a person on whom the damage is induced, a cross or some object sanctified with holy water, he will have a burning sensation in that place, reddening will appear, as during an allergy. Suddenly there will be a desire to remove the cross from his body, if there is one on you, and remove the icons away.

10. It will seem that the room in which you are located has an unpleasant smell, but by interviewing other people who are there with you, you will understand that only you feel this smell, and in fact it does not exist. These unpleasant smells will chase you everywhere. It seems that even freshly prepared food smells bad. Because of this, the appetite will disappear, because you do not want to eat when you do not like the smell of even the most attractive-looking food.

How to find out who caused damage and is it possible at all

Yes, this is possible. Involuntarily begs the question: why know who has damaged you? In order to stop communicating with this person forever, because he may be the one with whom you are close. Just imagine how he feels for you, if he is ready to go for such meanness.

There are rituals that can prompt you even the name of the person who caused the damage, or bring him into your house so that he himself did not understand how he was there. But do not rush to resort to magical assistance. There are other ways. For a start, sit down yourself and think about who could do this. Analyze with whom your relationship has deteriorated lately and remember if you have done nothing bad to anyone. If nothing comes to mind, ask the opinion of those you trust. They see from the outside a lot more than you can and can pinpoint exactly the person who could damage you. But do not forget that both friends and even relatives are under suspicion in this case. Perhaps some of them have some hidden motives to make you feel bad, which you don’t guess.

One of the easiest ways to find out who caused damage is divination with the help of wax from a church candle. Take one such candle, light it and wait until it burns to the ground. Take the wax that is left of it, and boil it over low heat for a couple of minutes. Pour the wax on a flat, large white plate with the words: "Pour the wax on the plate, now I recognize the name of my enemy." Now wait until the wax hardens completely, and take a look at the resulting picture. Ideally, the wax should form the first few letters of the name of the person who damaged you. If you have not seen any letters, then just look at the picture more closely. She may remind you of something that will somehow be connected with the person who has damaged you.

How to remove damage

For those who do not know how to remove the damage at home and believes that in this matter you only need to contact the experts, the following information will be informative. Absolutely anyone can take on his own damage and help someone if he is not a pregnant woman. It is only necessary to follow all the rules and then, of course, everything will turn out from the very first time.

The most effective prayer of corruption is the prayer "Our Father." It is necessary to use it, conducting any of the rituals to remove damage. If you are not a Christian and believe in another god or are an atheist, then instead of "Our Father" you should say words that characterize something bright and good. You can simply list all the good qualities that a person can have or name all that you would like to yourself. Speaking these words, it is necessary to baptize yourself with a lit church candle. Such a simple ritual serves as a vivid example of how to self-harm. He will not only remove it, but also strengthen your biofield, help him recover soon after the damage done to you.

The usual prayer of corruption will not save you if it is not accompanied by some actions. That is why, if you are not completely sure that you know how to remove damage, then it is better not to touch on this, consult a specialist or a person who is interested in practical white magic.

How to remove damage at home with a wax doll

For this ritual, you will need a large candle, a gold ring, a gold chain, a piece of black cloth and your photo, which shows you only. The rite should be held at night in the light of the full moon. This ritual is not the best example of how to self-harm, because it can be difficult for someone who does this for the first time.

Light a candle and burn your photo in its flame. Ash is not necessary to throw away. Collect it carefully and put it in a small plate. Now wait until your candle burns to the end. When this happens, collect the wax remaining from it, and mix with the ashes of your photo. Make a small doll out of the ashes and wax and put a gold ring on her head. It symbolizes the crown, driving away all the bad things from your person. Cross your doll three times and name your full name. Then proceed very carefully and carefully, because you are in your hands. It is necessary to wrap a gold chain around the waist of its pupa and say the following: "This golden belt is saturated with the light of the moon, it will remove damage, evil will drive away." Now spread the face of the doll with your saliva and blood. The effect will be best if the blood is menstrual. Shake the doll in black cloth and hide it in a secret place where no one can find it. After the symptoms of deterioration have disappeared, it should be destroyed. If you want to keep the ring and chain, then consecrate them in the church and can continue to use.

How to remove damage to the egg

As an example, I will give you the easiest, but really working method of removing damage from a person with an ordinary chicken egg. Immediately pay your attention to the fact that the egg should be homemade and fresh. You can not use the one that has been stored in the refrigerator for some time. So how to remove damage to the egg?

Completely undress, dissolve your hair, take an egg and "roll" it over your body from head to toes. Do this as carefully as possible so that it does not break. Read the prayer "Our Father". After the egg has "walked around" your whole body, you need to go outside and, digging a small hole under the nearest tree, bury the egg there. Go home without turning back.

How to remove damage to death

If you understand that you have been spoiled to death, do not immediately panic and go make out a will. If you know how to remove damage to death, you can not only remove it from yourself, but also help another person to do it.

The ritual is very simple to perform. You will need a packet of regular salt that you eat. Sanctify it in the church (with a packet of salt must be open). At night, go outside and walk away from the house as far as possible. Find a place where no one will see or disturb you. Light seven candles around you, put them in a circle, undress and sit in the center of the circle with a packet of salt. Sprinkle yourself with it and read Our Father. When done, dress and go home, without taking the candles with you and putting them out.

This ritual will not only remove damage from you, but also protect you from repeating the situation in the near future.

Corruption is a terrible word for many that is associated with an endless series of misfortunes and illnesses. Yes, it is, but not everything is as scary as it is described. You just need to identify damage in time and immediately carry out a ritual to remove it. Be attentive to yourself and your relatives. If you notice symptoms, do not hesitate. I wish you happiness and good luck, let no damage be able to ruin your life.


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