Snails can save us from aging


According to The Courier Mail, Australian scientists have studied the unusual ability of snails to completely stop the aging process for the period of hibernation. Now experts are planning to discover genes that make snails resist the passage of time. It is likely that the beneficial effect of this type of genes can actually be transmitted to humans.

Molecular biologist Scott Cummins, who works at Sunshine Coast University, says: “Some snails are capable of extending their lives from three to twenty-three years. This is an amazing result. If you try it on a person, then he will be able to live 500 years, and not 70 as now. ”

Currently, Dr. Cummins is looking for neurohormones and genes that cause hibernation in snails. This is a kind of sleepy condition that arises in their summer. Snails for several months just fall asleep under the action of peak temperatures.

It is known that human genes are almost 50% identical to snail genes, so scientists do not exclude the fact that humans may also have “hibernation genes”. If this theory is confirmed, mankind will receive the means to inhibit aging and people will be able to forget about age-related diseases like cancer and Alzheimer's disease forever.


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