Watermelons in a barrel for the winter - a snack for real gourmets. Salting watermelons in a barrel - how to salt watermelons in a barrel in different ways


For many, salted watermelons are truly exotic, although on the tables of our ancestors it was a fairly popular snack.

Watermelons were salted in oak barrels with apples, honey, cabbage and mustard.

Many recipes may seem too bold to you, but do not be afraid to experiment to surprise your guests during the festive feast.

How to salt watermelons in a barrel - the basic principles of cooking

Salting watermelons in barrels is a quick, easy and convenient way to keep summer berries for a long time, known for a long time. Previously, watermelons were salted only in oak barrels, but today they use plastic and ceramic dishes.

Before putting the ingredients into the barrel, wash it thoroughly so that there is no dirt or dust left, as this can cause damage and rot. Then the barrel is scalded twice with boiling water, dried and covered with a clean rag.

For salting, choose slightly immature, medium-sized fruits without damage. Watermelons are thoroughly washed and pierced in several places with a wooden stick so that the punctures are located symmetrically. They are placed in barrels and poured with brine so that it completely covers the fruits.

The recipe for brine depends on the method of salting watermelons. Universal brine is prepared on the basis of half a kilogram of sugar and 200 salt for every ten liters of water. Watermelons in such a brine have a pleasant sweet and sour taste. If you want the watermelons to become salty, the amount of salt is increased to 800 g, and sugar is not added. The brine can be prepared on the basis of the pulp of watermelon.

So that the fruits do not float, they are covered with a wooden circle, and a heavy stone is placed on it, which is previously washed and scalded with boiling water. The barrel is covered with a clean cloth from above to prevent dust and debris from entering it.

Watermelons are salted for three weeks. Take out the finished fruits with clean cutlery to prevent fermentation.

Watermelons in a barrel for the winter are salted whole or cut into slices.

Recipe 1. How to salt whole watermelons in a barrel


  • medium-sized watermelons;

  • cold water - ten liters;

  • white sugar - 1200 g;

  • rock salt - 400 g.

Cooking method

1. First, prepare the barrel. It is desirable that it be wooden, but if it is not, plastic or ceramic is suitable. Wash the container thoroughly and pour twice over boiling water.

2. We wash the watermelons and make several symmetrical punctures with a wooden knitting needle. This is done so that the brine penetrates better inside the berries.

3. We put the prepared watermelons in a container.

4. Pour sugar and rock salt into the water. Stir until completely dissolved.

5. Pour watermelons with the resulting brine. The liquid should completely cover the fruits. We cover the berries with gauze, put a wooden circle on top and set a bucket of water or a heavy stone on it.

6. After three days, we transfer the barrel to the cellar and leave it for another three weeks so that the watermelons are completely salted. We take out the finished fruits with clean cutlery and cut into slices. Serve as a dessert, side dish or appetizer.

Recipe 2. Salting watermelons in a barrel with apples


  • ten ripe medium-sized watermelons;

  • filtered water - ten liters;

  • apples - six kilograms;

  • rock salt - 750 g;

  • cherry and currant leaves - ten leaves each;

  • rye straw.

Cooking method

1. We wash a barrel from dust and pollution. Pour boiling water inside twice and dry.

2. My watermelons, pierce symmetrically in several places. We wash the apples under the tap. Rinse the straw and pour over boiling water. We put the prepared berries in a barrel, layering them with straw and filling the voids between them with apples. We put the leaves of currant and cherry.

3. Cooking brine. We dissolve rock salt in ten liters of water. Fill the barrel contents with brine and cover with a clean cloth. We put a wooden circle on top and set a bucket of water on it. We put the barrel in a dark, cool place. Watermelons will be ready in two to three weeks.

Recipe 3. Salting watermelons in a barrel with garlic


  • four kilograms of watermelons;

  • a bunch of dill and parsley;

  • hot pepper pod;

  • 5 g of black pepper peas;

  • Head of garlic.


  • three liters of filtered water;

  • 9 tbsp rock salt and white sugar.

Cooking method

1. For salting watermelons in pieces, we will use small ceramic barrels. We take ripe watermelons with a thin crust. Wash them thoroughly and cut into large longitudinal slices.

2. Wash my barrel, pour over boiling water and dry it. Rinse greens and pods of hot pepper. A third of the greens are laid on the bottom of the container. Put burning pepper and a few peeled garlic cloves on top.

3. Tightly lay a layer of watermelon slices, taking into account the shape of the container. Put sprigs of greens and a few cloves of garlic on top. We continue to lay watermelon slices, shifting them with herbs and garlic until the barrel is filled to the top.

4. Pour sugar and rock salt into the water, throw black pepper in peas and set on fire. Boil, brine for about five minutes, and cool it to room temperature. Fill the watermelons with the resulting brine so that the slices are completely immersed in it. We cover the barrel with a plate and set the load on top.

5. We keep watermelons warm for a day, then put them in the refrigerator for a couple of days. We store salted watermelons in the cellar.

Recipe 4. How to salt watermelons in a barrel of mustard


  • small-sized small-sized watermelons - 20 fruits;

  • filtered water - ten liters;

  • table salt - 800 g;

  • sugar - 400 g;

  • mustard powder - half a pack.

Cooking method

1. We prepare a wooden barrel with a volume of 100 liters. If you don’t have a wooden container, you can use a plastic barrel for food. We carefully rinse the barrel, pour boiling water over it a couple of times and dry it.

2. We check the watermelons so that they do not have cracks, spots of rot or dents. Fruits should be medium in size. We wash the watermelons under the tap and cut the stem. We pierce the berries with a wooden knitting needle in several places so that the punctures are located symmetrically.

3. Prepare a saline solution. To do this, take ten liters of filtered water and dissolve rock salt in it. Then add sugar and mustard powder. Mix until sugar dissolves.

4. Carefully put the watermelons in a barrel and fill them with saline so that its level is 10 cm higher than the berries.

5. Close the barrel with a lid and leave it for three weeks in a cool place. From time to time we remove the cover. If there is a sign of mold, add fresh brine.

Recipe 5. How to salt watermelons in a barrel in their own juice


  • ten kilograms of small watermelons;

  • 60 g of coarse salt;

  • five kilograms of pulp of watermelons.

Cooking method

1. Wash five kilograms of watermelons, cut into pieces and separate the pulp from the peel. Put the pulp in a blender bowl and beat until smooth. Pour salt into the resulting mass and mix until it is completely dissolved.

2. Wash the barrel well, pour boiling water over it a couple of times and dry it. Lay out the first layer of whole watermelons and cover it with salted mashed pulp. Shift the watermelons in this way until the container is full. The top layer should be mashed pulp.

3. Cover the barrel with a clean linen cloth and place in a cool, dark place for a week. Check from time to time if mold appears, remove it. Top up with saline if necessary. Store the finished product for six months in the cellar.

Recipe 6. Watermelons in a barrel for the winter with apples in the sand


  • six small ripe watermelons, weighing up to 2 kg;

  • 15 leaves of currant and cherry;

  • ten kilograms of large apples;

  • ten kilograms of washed sand;

  • 750 g of coarse salt;

  • ten liters of purified water.

Cooking method

1. For pickling we take strong, ripe berries without damage and signs of rot. The number of watermelons can be more or less, depending on the size of the berries. However, it is important that their weight does not exceed two kilograms. All the fruits are thoroughly washed.

2. Ripe apples without visible defects are also mine.

3. Wash the barrel for salting well and pour a couple of times with boiling water. We put watermelons in a barrel, shifting them with leaves of currant and cherry. Fill the free space with apples.

4. Pour washed sand gradually into the filled container so that it completely fills the remaining voids. The amount of sand indicated in the recipe is conditional, it may be more or less, depending on the volume of the selected container. The top layer of sand should be five centimeters thick.

5. Place a container of water on a fire and bring to a boil. Pour salt and simmer, stirring, until the crystals dissolve completely. Pour the contents of the barrel with cooled brine so that its level is ten centimeters higher than the sand.

6. Gradually, the sand will settle and compact. Therefore, pour it, and also add brine.

Watermelons in a barrel for the winter - tips and tricks

  • Ripe watermelons with dense pulp and necessarily thin skin are suitable for salting.

  • The size of the watermelon should not exceed 30 centimeters.

  • Berries should not have damage or signs of rot. One such fruit can ruin the entire barrel.

  • For pickling, it is better to take late varieties of watermelons, which reach their maturity in September.


Watch the video: Regional street food. Wikipedia audio article (June 2024).