The puppy stopped eating: what should the owner do? Reasons for the puppy's refusal to eat: possible diagnoses, how to understand the norm of this or a disease


Sometimes health problems of pets can manifest themselves completely unexpectedly, for example, a puppy may suddenly stop eating. If this has been going on for several days, then the owners should definitely worry and find a specific reason why the puppy stopped eating.

Good appetite is one of the indicators of the animal’s health, so it is important to monitor the nutrition of your pet. Loss of appetite can indicate serious health problems. Of course, a couple of days of refusing food is not a reason to arrange an investigation of the causes and search for diseases. But still the situation is like: a puppy who likes to eat a lot suddenly loses his appetite for a long time - this is a good reason to think.

First steps in diagnosing a cause

First of all, loss of appetite is usually accompanied by additional symptoms: general apathy, lack of response to external stimuli. Take your fourth friend for a walk and be sure to try to captivate him with active games. If the puppy still does not show a reaction or begins to appear:

1) redness or inflammation in the eyes and ears, the appearance of secretions and mucus is possible

2) unhealthy smell and color of mouth, pale gums

You should contact your veterinarian or determine the cause in advance.

Reasons for Power Failure

If the puppy has stopped eating, then the following reasons are possible. Look carefully at the conditions of recent days.

1) Reaction to the transferred stress. For example, this is possible if you left him for a long time, traveled with him to unfamiliar places or visited a doctor, unfamiliar guests came, and so on. Unfortunately, even minor insignificant shocks can shock a dog for a while, which leads to refusal of food.

2) The pet simply does not like food. If you changed the diet or just took it from previous owners, then it is likely that the puppy just does not like the new food.

3) Colds and malaise. Check your pet’s temperature and check your nose for a runny nose. If the puppy is sick, then he can only be thirsty and temporarily refuse to eat.

4) During estrus, dogs also rarely display a healthy appetite. It is also important to consider that during pregnancy and the first postpartum time, the dog will not show much appetite, this is absolutely normal. Try to treat the dog with treats, attracting to food, but do not insist. Hormonal jumps usually do not lead to severe weight loss, so do not worry.

5) Getting injured, treated. If you are undergoing treatment due to any injuries or illnesses, then a decrease in appetite is possible, medications and injections can bring a lot of stress and suppress appetite.

The above reasons are what can be determined by external signs and analysis of animal behavior over the past week. If none of this fits, and the puppy stops eating for no apparent reason, then the following, more serious reasons are possible:

1) Violations of the digestive system. Pain in the abdomen can reduce or even make you refuse completely food. They can be determined by a change in feces or vomiting, panting and inactivity of the dog.

2) Parasites. Various forms of parasites, such as fleas or worms, can severely undermine the animal’s health and lead to exhaustion. Sometimes parasites affect not only the skin and coat, but also internal organs, so the puppy stops eating.

3) Inflammation, for example, on the ears, or especially inflammation of the gums. With severe pain on the paws or muzzle, the pet can eat less, and if something in the mouth hurts, then completely refuse to eat.

If such reasons are found, consult a doctor immediately! You should take your pet to the nearest veterinary clinic to take tests and get an accurate diagnosis, as well as start treatment as soon as possible. The sooner you identify the cause, the faster you can return your appetite!

Low Appetite Treatment

So what to do if the puppy has stopped eating. Treatment will depend, of course, on the reasons for refusing nutrition. Consider the main options for helping your pet:

1) If the puppy has suffered a stressful or shocking situation, it is important to calm the dog as quickly as possible. In order for the appetite to return, you need to pay attention to the pet - caress it, try to give a treat.

2) If you just brought a dog home, then find out from the previous owner what exactly the puppy was eating. It is best to gradually switch to a new diet, adding to the old new food in small portions. The same applies to the situation when you just bought another food for testing and did not come to your taste - gradually return your favorite food.

3) If the dog is not active, breathing heavily and refuses all entertainment - it is best to consult a doctor faster! It is possible that the dog is suffering from some kind of infection or inflammation. Check with your doctor for tests and ultrasound as needed.

If the puppy just picks

In a situation where you checked the dog’s health and tried several types of food, but the dog shows a "bad character", you can use a few tips:

1) For discipline, it is necessary to feed strictly at the same time according to the schedule, and if the puppy turns its nose and leaves, immediately remove the bowl before the next meal. Do not worry, she will not have time to really starve. However, she does not have the opportunity to come later, and with you to show character. After several times the pass, the dog will understand that they are given certain food and will not be replaced. It will also help set the feeding time, and the puppy will not distract you at the wrong time.

2) Spend time outdoors with active games. If the pet is very tired, it is more likely to want to eat. It is possible that his bad behavior is just a way to attract attention, because he is very bored. Spend time together, for example, train a team, encouraging success with goodies. Thus, proper attention + activity during the day will help you normalize your appetite.
