Birthday sandwiches - recipe with photos and step by step description


Any holiday table is traditionally decorated with various snacks in the form of sandwiches and small canapes with various fillings. The way of serving and decorating sandwiches to a greater extent depends on the hostess's fantasy. Particular attention is paid to sandwiches that are served on the birthday table, they create a mood and affect the overall look of the table.

Children's birthday is no exception. Practically all the mothers, on the eve of the holiday, are puzzled over what to cook so that the "childish" feast looks festive and fun, and especially pleased the birthday man. There are a lot of recipes for festive sandwiches, they are all very quickly prepared and differ mainly only in the way of decoration. After all, much depends on the decor of appetizers, a beautiful decoration will diversify any table and awaken your appetite, and merrily decorated sandwiches with sausage or red fish will delight the little birthday man and his guests.

There are a lot of types of sandwiches for birthday, you can make simple sandwiches on bread and butter, hot sandwiches baked in the oven or microwave, sandwiches on toasted bread, in the form of canapes and many other variations. Snack can combine a variety of toppings: it is sausage with cheese, red caviar, red fish, meat pate, sprats, tomatoes with cheese, and even more exotic - fruit fillings. Distinguish between closed and open sandwiches, in closed sandwiches - the filling is located between two pieces of bread and looks more like a sandwich, the open ones are more familiar to us, the filling is on top of the bread and is decorated in various ways.

Sandwiches are appreciated not only for being quickly prepared, but also for being an excellent source of energy. Most of them do not require heat treatment, they are stored and used for a long time not only to decorate a festive table, but also as a breakfast or a short snack on the road or at work.

Despite the ease of preparation, many are looking for recipes for making original sandwiches on the Internet, trying to find a more "fresh" and interesting option. We are pleased to help you with this, we present to your attention a recipe for making funny sandwiches with red fish, with an unusual design, and detailed step-by-step photos.

On the photo: products necessary for making birthday sandwiches:

  • Ingredients:
  • Baton - 6-7 pieces
  • Sliced ​​trout - 1 pack
  • Butter - 50 grams
  • Cherry tomatoes - 6-7 pieces
  • Olives - 6 pieces
  • Parsley - for decoration

Step-by-step recipe for making birthday sandwiches (with photo):

Baton cut into pieces, each piece is divided in half. Lubricate them with a thin layer of butter, spread on a dish.

Put the red fish slices on top.

Let's decorate snacks. Carefully wash the greens, open the leaves and lay them on top of the fish.

Washed cherry tomatoes cut in halves and lay out one for each sandwich.

Cut the olives into quarters and place them one by one next to the tomatoes. These will be the heads of our ladybirds.

The final stage: we draw mayonnaise small dots on the surface of the tomatoes; for contrast, you can make "dots" of the pieces of olives.

That's it, an uncomplicated and very elegant snack is ready!


Watch the video: How to Make Tea Sandwiches (June 2024).