Breastfeeding determines the quality of the baby’s intestinal function in the future.


According to experts, mother's milk contains bacteria that are important to the baby’s health, and they can help children digest food in the future. It is no secret that babies, for various reasons, deprived of breastfeeding, often suffer from flatulence. American scientists have found that the specificity of nutrition of a newborn in the first months of his life determines not only the composition, but also the stability of the intestinal flora.

During the study, physicians analyzed the feces, as well as the specificity of nutrition and the health of nine children in the first two weeks of their lives. As a result, a qualitative difference was found between the intestinal microflora of babies who received breast milk in the first months of life and those who received only milk formula. Scientists suggest that breastfeeding is able to prepare the child's digestive tract for consumption and normal digestion of solid foods.


Watch the video: Friends with Benefits: Microbes, Diet & Me - Eric Alm, PhD and Tim Spector, MD (June 2024).