Spaghetti with tomato paste: cooking is easy. Spaghetti recipes with tomato sauce for every day: with vegetables, chicken, smoked meats


Italians reluctantly admit that pasta is an invention of the ancient Chinese, considering spaghetti and all other types of pasta, the number of which is already difficult to count, as their national dish, on a par with pizza.

Such experiences are completely in vain, because any pasta is decorated with sauce.

In preparing sauces, residents of the Apennine Peninsula have long been unequal.

That is why, apparently, spaghetti and gained world fame, and not at all by who first invented the paste itself.

It's not even what type of pasta is cooked with tomatoes, but what tasty and spicy additives create such an unforgettable combination of taste. The number of recipes for tomato sauces for spaghetti is also unknown.

It is absolutely possible to say that there are many, more than a hundred. You can also confidently say that pasta without sauce is unthinkable.

Pasta has not ceased to be a famous and popular dish of Italy, but now, according to statistics, 5.5–6 kg of pasta is eaten every year by every Russian. This is a reason to think about expanding the range of spaghetti dishes with tomato sauce in all possible forms and combinations.

Spaghetti with Tomato Paste - General Technological Principles

The main principle is clear: two ingredients are involved in the creation of a classic dish - pasta and tomatoes. Looks great in this company "Ricotta", "Mozzarella", "Feta", as well as other soft, rennet and cream cheeses. Cheese goes well with tomatoes and pasta.

Since spaghetti with tomato paste directly indicates the content of tomatoes in the dish, the presence of peppers, eggplants or other vegetables that are combined with tomato flavor will be quite appropriate. In addition, we must not forget that not only wheat flour can be made of spaghetti: there are also Asian variants consisting of rice flour or mung bean starch.

Any type of spaghetti with tomato paste will perfectly complement the meat, although nutritionists consider such a combination to be a mockery of a healthy lifestyle and the struggle with extra centimeters at the waist level. In defense of spaghetti with tomato sauce and meat should be said: besides the fact that it is very tasty, everything depends on people, because the principle of "good - little by little" has not been canceled. In addition, high-calorie food is designed for increased physical activity, so the combination of pasta with meat suggests a very active lifestyle. Finally, good spaghetti made from flour, which, in turn, is made from hard wheat varieties, do not cause obesity. So, if you like spaghetti with meat, eat for health. In addition, the tomato "accompaniment" of pasta with meat guarantees high-quality digestion of food: the rich content of acids in tomatoes resists the accumulation of carbohydrates and their transformation into subcutaneous fat.

Some professionals believe that pasta is incompatible with fish and seafood. It seems that most residents of the Mediterranean and Asia do not agree with this. There are many good examples of spaghetti dishes with tomato sauce and fish in world culinary. Of course, many shrimps, beloved by many, mussels in this case will not “make friends” with the tomato flavor, but some species of fish will respond to such a “union” with the promise of complete harmony.

The combination of the incompatible is a principle that has been very successfully used by famous cooks for a long time. Most likely the secret of this success depends largely on the use of spices and herbs in dishes. Or, for example, in Asian cuisine the combination of sweet, bitter, salty and sour taste is considered the basis of any successful dish. Therefore, for cooking spaghetti with meat or fish, it is important to choose the right flavor and flavor "accompaniment." Well, of course, the selection of additional ingredients for spaghetti with tomato paste is a matter of culinary intuition and taste of every cook.

Recipe 1. Spaghetti with Tomato Sauce and Chicken with Vegetables


Cooked Spaghetti 450g

Garlic, chopped 30 g

Sweet and Sour Sauce (Ready)

Olive oil 70 ml

Chicken fillet, without skin 0.5 kg

Basil (leaflets, for submission)

Tomatoes blanched 200 g

Carrots, grated 100 g

White onion 120g


Yellow pepper, salad 250 g


Pepper, Coriander, Clove, Chilli Powder


Cut the prepared bird fillet into cubes and fry by adding ground spices and garlic. Bringing the meat to readiness lightly salt it. Cook the vegetables separately. Brown onion and put it together with chicken meat in a saucepan. Carrots caramelize: add a pinch of sugar to it, fry in a frying pan, without oil. Put the carrots in the same saucepan, to the meat. Similarly, fry the peppers, sliced ​​straws, and small, fleshy tomatoes, sliced. Stew meat with carrots and onions to boil, adding any tomato sauce, with a sweet-sour taste. Put hot spaghetti on a dish or a la carte; top with chicken stew. Caramelized peppers and tomatoes, put on top, along with leaves of fresh basil.

Recipe 2. Spaghetti with Tomato Paste, Avocado and Ricotta

Composition of products:

Avocado 2 pcs.

Tomatoes 3 pcs.

Olives 5-6 pcs.

Squids (fillets) 300 g

Lemon ½ pcs.

Spaghetti, boiled 400 g

Tomato paste 50 g

Olive oil 50 ml

Water 250 ml

Coriander, pepper, cloves (ground)

Greens, chopped (to taste)


Salt and sugar


Grill the butter by adding ground spices and minced garlic. In the water, dissolve the tomato paste and pour it into a preheated pan. Boil the sauce and strain it. Prepared avocado fruits of medium size cut into long, thin straws, "cherry", without skin, yellow and red - halves. Boil the prepared squid carcasses, then cut them into thin strips and marinate with garlic and lemon juice for an hour. Put boiled spaghetti and pickled squids diagonally on the plate. Prepare a sauce from half an avocado by chopping it with garlic and chopped greens in a blender. Add butter, sugar, salt and spices. The second half of avocado, cut into strips, lay on top of squid and pour in avocado sauce. On spaghetti lay slices of blanched "cherry", olives rings. Garnish with basil.

Recipe 3. Spaghetti with Tomato Sauce and Basil


Boiled Spaghetti 250g

Basil, green 50 g

"Extra Virginia" 30 ml

Tomato sauce, spicy 70 ml

Olives 100 g

Mozzarella 150 g


Boil the paste, let drain water. Transfer the spaghetti to the pan by adding tomato sauce and a spoonful of butter, stir and serve. On top, place the pieces of "Mozzarella" and olives, cut in half or ringlets. Decorate the dish with basil leaves.

Recipe 4. Spaghetti with Tomato Paste and Homemade Cutlets


Spaghetti or noodles, homemade 600 g

Tomato paste 70-80 g

Dill and parsley, chopped 80 g

Flour 30-40 g

Onions and carrots, fried 150 g

Cutlet minced 450 g

Cooking fat


A mixture of ground pepper (black and chilli), coriander and cloves


Make minced meat cutlets 150 g each, oval-shaped, and fry them in boiling fat until golden brown. Add the sautéed vegetables to the cutlets and simmer them, covered with a lid. Then combine the tomato paste with sugar and spices, salt, add the flour and water. Mix all the ingredients so that there are no lumps and pour into a saucepan, to cutlets. Bring everything together to a boil, sprinkle with chopped greens and turn off, letting it brew for about fifteen minutes.

Boil spaghetti in salted water, drain and serve with cutlets in tomato sauce.

Recipe 5. Baked spaghetti with tomato sauce, cheese and mushrooms


Cooked pasta 0.5 kg

Roasted champignons 350 g

Cheese 200 g

Tomato sauce "Krasnodar" 120 g

Oil (for the form)


Stir in the fried champignons with pasta and sauce. Smear the form with refined oil, put the pasta with tomato sauce and mushrooms into it; Sprinkle over the top with grated cheese and bake until the cheese is browned. Serve with chopped greens, slicing the casserole into portions.

Recipe 6. Spaghetti with Tomato Paste and Smoked Meat

Composition of products:

Salami 200g

Smoked breast 250 g

Ham (any) 300 g

Grated carrots 150 g

A mixture of peppers, bay leaf, coriander, cloves (ground)

Salt, sugar

Tomato paste 50 g

Onions 100g

Butter, melted 90 g


Spaghetti 450g

Preparation Procedure:

Boil thin pasta and drain. Hot grease them with oil. Dice meat products and fry them over high heat, adding diced onion and grated carrot. Dissolve the tomato paste in 100 ml of water and pour the sauce into a saucepan and bring the smoked tomato sauce to the desired flavor. Put the ready-made spaghetti into the skillet and stew them for another 2-3 minutes. When serving, sprinkle with fresh, chopped greens.

Recipe 7. Spaghetti with Tomato Sauce and Pangasius


Paste 300g

Pangasius fillet 250 g

Tomato Sauce (Ready)

Carrots and onions, fried 150 g

Butter and vegetable oil (for frying)



Pangasius wash, salt and pour lemon juice and flour. Preheat only vegetable oil at first, and, after frying the fish on one side, add butter and turn the fish over and fry on the other side. Separately, dice carrots and onions. Add tomato sauce, try and add spices if desired, making the tomato dressing to taste. Boil the pasta, fold it in a colander and lay, coiling in portions. Place slices of fried fish on top of the pasta and pour tomato sauce with vegetables. Decorate with chopped greens.

Spaghetti with Tomato Paste - Tips and Tricks

  • It is no secret that tomatoes contain a large number of different acids, which creates discomfort when used to people suffering from gastritis with hung acidity. If you really like tomato sauce, but its use is contraindicated, use the culinary trick: add ground coriander seeds to tomato sauce. This spice neutralizes the acid and then even spicy tomato sauce does not cause irritation of the mucous membrane in the digestive system.

  • When cooking pasta, consider the type of flour from which they are made. Pasta made from hard wheat varieties requires a longer cooking time than pasta, which was used to make lower grade flour.

  • Pasta, unlike cereals, is dipped in boiling and salted water for cooking.

  • Italian housewives, despite the fact that cooking homemade spaghetti requires time and effort, they prefer to cook it themselves, rather than buying dry pasta made in an industrial environment. This has a definite meaning: the paste is rich in vitamins, which are destroyed during production drying and storage. Homemade spaghetti contain more vitamins.


Watch the video: Chicken Garlic Tomato Pasta Recipe - Simple Spaghetti (June 2024).