Grilled dishes: their benefits and harms. What dishes are the most harmful grill, how to cook on the grill with health benefits


Grilled vegetables or meat and fish have always been considered one of the most delicious dishes. What a picnic can take without cooking juicy and roast meat on charcoal, but tasty is not always useful. Does this apply to grilled dishes?

The benefits and harms of home and outdoor grills

The method of cooking on charcoal has been known for many years, but it is still very popular. Dishes - grilled cooked outdoors are distinguished by their aroma and golden crust. Oil is not used for their preparation, which means that the calorie content of these dishes will be less than that of those cooked in a pan.

The harm of the grill cooked outdoors is several times less than that of fried in oil dishes.

But it is not always possible to get out into the nature and enjoy the food cooked at the stake. Do not be upset about this. Thanks to modern technology, you can cook delicious fish and grilled vegetables at home.

There are several options for grilling at home:

Electric Grill

- grill for a gas stove,

microwave grill,

grill pans.

Dishes, prepared on a home grill, are practically not inferior in anything, in terms of their taste properties, to those that were prepared in the open air.

However, it is worth considering that in each of the cooking options, grilling can bring both harm and benefit.

If you cook a dish on charcoal and use chemicals to ignite, then there is a risk that their evaporation will get into food. May damage the body and home grill. So it is believed that dishes cooked in a microwave oven do not contain any useful vitamins and minerals. This is due to the fact that the radiation waves of the microwave oven destroy the structure of the product, thereby depriving it of all useful properties. If you choose the method of cooking the grill in a special pan, then again there is oil, which when heated will not be useful, but just the opposite.

Dishes - grilling their harm and benefits

Grilling is very widely used in cooking. For cooking, they use not only meat, but also fish, poultry, vegetables and even some fruits.

A distinctive feature of this method of cooking is the lack of cooking oil. And, as you know, vegetable oils emit harmful carcinogens when heated.

When preparing a dish on the grill, immediately there are thoughts about its usefulness. At the same time, a delicious crust appears on the surface of the product used, and all the “juices” remain inside. They preserve vitamins and minerals of the product. But for their safety, the initial product should be wrapped in foil if it is prepared on charcoal. Or cover with an electric or gas grill.

The home grill will not bring harm, but only if it is not cooked in a pan or in the microwave.

To date, infrared electric grills are available for sale. Such radiation penetrates into the original product without destroying its texture. This method of preparation makes both meat and vegetables easily digestible for the human body, and fats will not turn into carcinogens.

Grilled food can also be used for people with gastrointestinal diseases. But, so that in this situation it was not cooked, the product must be wrapped in foil. This is important to do so that a crispy crust does not form on the surface. After all, all the fried harm.

Dishes prepared in this way can be eaten by those who are on a diet. Especially if it is vegetables or fish.

If you do not wrap the original product in foil, there is a risk of spoiling its taste. This can happen if the fat begins to drip onto the coals, and its vapor, along with the smoke, rises up and penetrates the cooking dish. And a small flame can, formed on the coals from a gust of wind, can spoil not only the taste, but also the dish itself, making it burnt. Aluminum foil will help to avoid these troubles, and it will also allow you to warm the product more evenly and without charred edges.

What is the main harm of grilling

No matter how delicious the dishes prepared on the grill are, there are also disadvantages in them.

Many experts in the field of dietetics argue that the frequent use of foods that have been well grilled can cause significant harm to the health of the body. It concerns primarily meat. Its appetizingly fried crust can cause the development of cancerous tumors or, in a simple way, cancer.

This is possible due to the fat contained in meat products. When heated, it drips onto the coals and, evaporating, releases carcinogens into the air. They, in turn, can penetrate into the dish, and therefore, into the human body.

In addition, when preparing a grill in nature, many use rotten wood for bonfire. When burning, it is also capable of releasing harmful substances. And for ignition it is not necessary to use chemical alcohols and especially gasoline. They not only permanently spoil the taste and aroma of the dish, but also impregnate it with harmful chemical compounds, a negative effect on the body, which increases many times during combustion.

A grill cooked on charcoal, the wood for which was set on fire using newspapers, would be harmful. Printing ink contains lead, which can not only settle in the lungs, but also accumulate in the body.

How to reduce the harm of grill - dishes

Despite some nuances, grilled dishes can bring not only pleasure, but also benefit:

- Vegetables and fruits do not contain vegetable fats, which can turn into carcinogens. And cooking them without the use of oil reduces their calorie content;

- Such dishes are not only possible, but also need to be eaten. After all, they retain all the vitamins, minerals and trace elements necessary for the body;

- fiber, which is rich in vegetables and fruits, does not change its structure, thereby exerting a positive effect on the functioning of the intestine.

Vegetables and fruits, before baking on the grill, it is better to sprinkle with a small amount of oil. This will help protect them from burning.

Do not deny yourself the meat or poultry cooked on the grill. Regardless of its appearance, home or outdoors.

It is enough to observe a couple of simple rules:

- bake meat and fish in foil or under a lid;

-if you want to grill chicken, you can afford it, even for people with a sick stomach or dieting. Just take a piece of the breast and be sure to remove the skin from it. After all, all harmful and fatty substances are contained in it.

This also applies to grilled chicken purchased at the store. In addition to oily and toasty skin, they contain a large amount of salt and seasoning. After peeling, the problem will be solved.

You can get benefits from any product, including meat - the grill will not be harmful if it is cooked correctly. And grilled vegetables will be useful not only for the figure, but for the whole organism.


Watch the video: How to Grill Meat the Healthy Way: Thomas DeLauer (June 2024).