Custard curd cream - sweets can be useful! The best recipes of custard curd cream and desserts with it


Custard with cottage cheese is popular among those who follow their figure, but cannot imagine their life without sweets. The cream is obtained with a dense consistency, which allows you to use it to decorate cakes or pastries.

Custard curd cream - basic principles of preparation

You can use homemade or store cottage cheese of low calorie content to prepare custard. It all depends on which product you want to get in the end: nutritious or low-calorie.

Homemade cottage cheese is quite an expensive product, in addition, it can not always be bought. But there is a solution: it can be made independently from sour milk. It is poured into a saucepan and put on fire. Warm up until flakes of cottage cheese appear on the surface. The colander is covered with gauze and the contents of the pan are poured into it. The edges of the gauze are knotted and suspended. An hour later, you have ready a delicious, nutritious home-made cottage cheese.

In addition to cottage cheese for cream, you will need milk, granulated sugar, wheat flour and butter. From milk and flour, the base of the cream is boiled until thickened. Then it is cooled. The butter is ground with sugar and whipped in a lush foam. The cottage cheese is beaten until smooth with a blender or rubbed through a sieve.

Sugar butter and cottage cheese are introduced in small portions into the chilled billet. Beat until a smooth, gentle cream is obtained.

For flavor, add vanilla or lemon juice to the cream.

Recipe 1. Custard curd cream


? liter of milk;

stack Sahara;

150 g of sifted wheat flour;

a pack of quality plums. oils;

cottage cheese - a pack.

Cooking method

1. In a stewpan, sift flour through a fine sieve. Pour in milk a little, stirring vigorously so that there are no lumps. If you still have them, strain the mixture through a sieve. Now send the stewpan to a low heat and cook until the mixture becomes thick. Stir constantly, otherwise the milk will burn, and the taste of the dish will be spoiled. Remove the cream blank from the stove and immediately place the stewpan in a basin of ice water.

2. Cut soft butter into slices in a mixer bowl, pour sugar here. Beat until lush white mass.

3. Pour the cottage cheese into a bowl and beat it with a blender until smooth. If the cottage cheese is dry, add a couple of spoons of warm milk to it and mix.

4. Into the bowl of the mixer with the oil mixture, add the cooled workpiece in a spoon. Whisk constantly. Then add cottage cheese gradually, without stopping the whipping process. Cream can be used for cakes or desserts.

Recipe 2. Custard curd in a water bath


60 g of wheat flour;

? kg of cottage cheese;

100 g plums. oils;


two thirds of cane sugar.

Cooking method

1. Remove the oil from the refrigerator, cut it into pieces and let it soften.

2. Mash the egg thoroughly with sugar. Add flour and continue to grind until smooth. Now combine this mixture with soft butter and beat until lush.

3. Cottage cheese pass twice through a sieve. Place it in a blender bowl and beat until curd. Add it to the egg-oil mixture, mix. Boil water in a saucepan. Transfer the butter-curd mixture to the dishes, less pan. Set it on a pot of boiling water and cook, constantly stirring with a spatula, for about 15 minutes. At first, the mass will be liquidish, but gradually it will thicken. Remove the cream from the pan and refrigerate completely.

Recipe 3. Dessert with custard curd and strawberries


180 ml of pasteurized milk;

200 g of cottage cheese;


four pieces of sugar cookies;

85 g of premium flour;

200 g of strawberries.

Cooking method

1. Combine the yolk with flour and sugar. Whisk everything with a whisk in a homogeneous mixture. Pour in cold milk gradually, without ceasing to whisk. Put the mixture on low heat and cook with regular stirring until thickened. Set aside and cool completely.

2. Rub the cottage cheese twice through a fine sieve. Add it to a cold cream and beat with a mixer for about five minutes.

3. Peel the strawberries, wash them well and cut them into cubes.

4. In high cups, lay out the products in layers in the following order: sliced ​​strawberries, custard, cookie crumbs, again curd and custard and strawberries. Cool the dessert for two hours.

Recipe 4. Cake with custard curd


five fresh eggs;

chocolate - 10 g;

granulated sugar - 220 g;

butter - 70 g;

baking powder - 5 g;

lean oil - 35 ml;

cottage cheese - 150 g;

premium wheat flour - 210 g;

milk - 200 ml;

semolina - 60 g;

125 g apricot jam.

Cooking method

1. Separate the four egg yolks from the proteins. Beat them with a whisk. Add a glass of sugar and pour the vegetable oil. Continue whisking for a few more minutes. Add twice sifted flour with baking powder to the mixture. Mix gently with a spoon. Lay out the beaten egg whites separately and, carefully so that the bubbles do not burst, knead a not too thick homogeneous dough.

2. Coat the inside of the dish with a thin layer of oil. Turn on the oven at 190 C. Put the dough in the prepared form, and bake for forty minutes. Do not open the door! Take out the finished biscuit and refrigerate it on the wire rack.

3. While the cake is cooling, prepare a custard preparation. Drive an egg into a bowl and add a spoonful of flour and semolina to it. Send the remaining sugar here and beat everything with a mixer. Pour in a thin stream of milk and mix the mixture until smooth. Pour it into a saucepan and cook on low heat until thick. Stir constantly so that it does not stick. Transfer the custard mass to a plate and cool.

4. Place the cottage cheese in a bowl and rub with a spoon. Then beat with a mixer. Add custard mass and soft butter to it. Bring the cream to uniformity using a mixer.

5. Cut the sponge cake into two lengths. Coat the bottom with cream, evenly distributing it over the entire surface of the cake. On a cottage cheese custard, evenly lay a thin layer of apricot jam.

6. On top, put the second part of the cake and lightly press down. Decorate the cake on top to your taste and soak for at least three hours.

Recipe 5. Cake without baking with custard curd


30 g of cocoa powder;

50 g of granulated sugar;

a cup of strong coffee with sugar;

100 g of powdered sugar;

half a kilogram of custard curd cream;

300 g biscuit cookies.

Cooking method

1. Cooking custard according to one of the above recipes. We brew strong coffee, put in it a couple of tablespoons of sugar and cool.

2. Place the cottage cheese in a blender bowl, add the icing sugar and beat in a homogeneous paste. Combine it with custard mass and beat.

3. Dip cookies in sweet coffee and put them in one row in a baking dish. Cover the cookie layer with cream. Repeat the layers until the cream and cookies are over.

4. Sprinkle cocoa powder on top of the cake and send to the refrigerator for 12 hours to soak.

Recipe 6. Custard curd with peaches


30 g pine nuts;

400 ml cream with a fat content of 10%;


two fresh eggs;

20 g of plums. oils;

200 g of cottage cheese;


50 g of powdered sugar;

40 g of corn flour.

Cooking method

1. Beat the icing sugar with a whisk with eggs and vanilla. Without stopping the whipping process, introduce the sifted cornmeal in portions.

2. Pour the cream into a saucepan and heat, but do not bring to a boil.

3. Enter the cream of the egg-flour mixture with vigorous stirring. We cook, without stopping stirring, over low heat until thickened.

4. Cottage cheese is rubbed twice through a fine sieve and introduced into a warm custard mixture. Whisk with a whisk until smooth.

5. Turn on the oven for 200 C. Peach my, remove the stone and remove the peel. Cut the pulp of the fruit into small pieces.

6. Lubricate portioned molds with butter. Put in each few slices of peach. Spread a couple of spoons of cottage cheese custard on top. Again a layer of peaches and cream.

7. We put on the deco and put in the oven for a quarter of an hour. We take out the dessert, sprinkle with pine nuts and bake for another five minutes. Serve dessert warm or chilled.

Custard curd cream - tips and tricks

Before adding cottage cheese to the cream, grind it through a fine sieve, or beat in a blender.

Custard is best prepared in a water bath, so it is guaranteed not to burn.

If lumps appear in the cream, cool it and grind through a sieve.

To make the cream fragrant, add vanilla or lemon zest to it.

If the cream is used for decoration, it can be painted with food colors or vegetable juice.


Watch the video: Fruit Cream Recipe. Dessert Recipes. Fruit Cream Salad (June 2024).